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You didn't trust your fake Dad, but if your real mom trusted him enough to go with him then you trusted him too.

Unfortunately she took too long packing your bags.

She didn't pack anything for herself - just a diaper bag for you.

She grabbed all of your diapers, wipes, baby powder and rash cream.

Then she packed your formula.

Ofcourse she didn't want to lug all the cans around, so she decided to make you bottles of milk.

After the fifth bottle, she realized there was only one bottle left, but ten extra large canisters of formula.

Your fake Dad said to just pack the rest of the cans and he could stop for more bottles on the way to his jet.

You hated flying on Kanye's jet.

You liked your fake mom Kim's jet better.

"Can't we just take your jet, mommy?" You asked, Billie, as you held her hand while the two of you walked down the hallway toward the emergency back exit of the building.

"- What?!" Billie spit, giving you an annoyed look.

"I dada jet! Mama jet!" You tried.

She still didn't know what you were talking about and you didn't have time to explain, because as soon as your fake Dad opened the emergency exit door - the three of you heard screams on the other side from the back lot.


Kanye slammed the door shut and turned to face you.

"- Run Klover! HIDE! They're here to take you away!"

Billie picked you up and turned around - running with you down the hallway with just the backpack on her back - leaving the other packed bags on the ground by your old Dad.

The police busted the door down to arrest Kanye, as soon as you and Billie turned the corner.

You didn't know where you and Billie were going to hide - and she didn't know either because she was trying to go in random doors- but all of them were locked.

The stairs weren't locked though, so Billie brought you down the stairs into a hallway with no windows.

She started trying random doors again until one finally opened into a small dark room.

You couldn't see anything, but you could hear your fake Dad yelling from upstairs.

He was still screaming for you to run.

Billie found another door in the dark - but this door opened to a room with light.

You didn't know what this strange new room was, but there were a bunch of cool looking square metal doors in a wall.

"Pizza!" You exclaimed, thinking they were pizza ovens.

A few of the doors were broken and hanging open but some were still closed.

Billie tried opening the closed oven doors but they were all locked.

She put you down to tug on one of the doors really hard but it still wouldn't open.

You were getting hungry too and really wanted some pizza.

So you started looking around the room for something to help your birth mom open the doors with.

You found a key on a ring laying on a metal table, so you ran it over to Billie.

It didn't work on the first two doors she tried to open, but it worked on the third!

Unfortunately there wasn't any fresh hot pizza waiting in it....

It was just a sliding table with a folded white sheet on top of it.

Billie pulled the long, legless table out and unfolded the sheet.

Then she put you up on top of the table and climbed up beside you.

She took off her backpack and dug two things out of it.

Her phone and a bottle of milk for you.

She put the bottle in your mouth and covered you up with the sheet.

Then she laid down beside you and used her hands on the side of the table to push you both backwards into the strange oven.

She pulled the door closed, and you heard it lock.

It was a good hiding spot.....

The best hiding spot since you got to cuddle with your real mom!

Your birth mom even let you watch Ms Rachel on her phone while she held the bottle in your mouth for you to have a snack.

You were starting to fall asleep, when you heard the heavy footsteps on the stairs - heading down toward the basement.

You looked up at your Mom as she quickly turned off her phone.

Then she held you tight against her, beneath the sheet, and whispered that it's "quiet napping time."

So you nodded and closed your eyes - pretending to sleep- as you listened to the voices getting closer.

The police officers were talking to the doctor!

You could hear him!

He was lying about you!

He said you weren't here.

That he didn't even know Billie had a daughter!

He said he only briefly treated Billie for a "psychotic episode" about a year ago and hadn't seen or heard from her since.....but that he would certainly keep an eye out for her - since she had been "seen trespassing" in the woods near by.

You don't know why the doctor lied about you and Billie or why he lied about Kanye.

He said your Dad showed up here with bags of formula and diapers saying he was here to pick up his baby.

That clearly he's suffering a psychotic breakdown if he believes his missing 10 year old daughter would be hiding out here - much less- in need of diapers and baby formula.

You heard the police agreeing with the doctor that it would be "In Kanye's best interest" to remain here, under the doctor's care, for mandated mental health treatment.

Then you heard them searching through the basement before concluding that you and Billie weren't on the premises and Kanye was just crazy.

They even walked into the pizza room where you and Billie were hiding - but thankfully they didn't try to open any of the closed oven doors.

You heard someone ask if there were any "bodies" in here, but the doctor said no.

That they haven't used this room in decades.

The cop said Kim was going to be disappointed that the patient tip was a false lead.

After the cops left, Billie turned her phone on again.

Instead of letting you finish your show, she called someone.

You don't know who she called but as soon as whoever it was answered, your mom just whispered into the phone, "- You stupid fucking bitch! I KNOW it was YOU! I TOLD you Clover's MY DAUGHTER - MINE - NO ONE'S taking her away from me again! ESPECIALLY NOT YOU! Next time I see your bitch ass - I SWEAR ON GOD- YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!"

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