The First Night

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You woke up with the strongest craving for French toast....

Before you even opened your eyes, you reached your arm out to knock on the wall above your head - your standard signal to call your nanny- letting her know you were ready for your breakfast in bed.

Unfortunately, you didn't feel the velvet of the window curtain against the wall above your bed....

Your closed fist just slammed into the top of the crib.

You quickly sat up, as your eyes flew open in confusion.

You didn't know where you were at first and assumed you had been kidnapped.

You started to panic - wondering how you got to this room, who had abducted you, and what they planned on doing to you!

You didn't want to die!

Your parents were always warning you about kidnappers!

You had to do something!

You were ready to fight for your life.....until you saw your birth mother sleeping in the bed next to the crib.

She had fallen asleep sideways, facing the crib.....Your new bed.

A half empty baby bottle full of milk in her hand.

That's right....

You hadn't been kidnapped at all.....

You had left voluntarily to start a new life.

You didn't have any nannies here to bring you French toast on demand for breakfast.

You forgot you weren't a spoiled Kardashian anymore.

You're an independent O'Connell now.

You wiped the sleep from your eyes as you looked around the dusty old room and realized it wasn't even morning time.

It was dark outside the shuttered windows.

A digital clock on the beside desk next to Billie said 3:02 am.

You really had to use the bathroom....

You climbed out of your crib, as quietly as possible.

You were still a little dizzy but not nearly as much as before.

Bathroom.... You had to find a bathroom!

You didn't want to wake up Billie.

She seemed tired.'re not a baby!

You can find the bathroom on your own!

There were two doors in the room.

The first one was locked.

The door you had come in through - was locked as well.

You knocked lightly on the room door - hoping someone on the other side could hear you and would open it, but no one came to open it.

The door just...opened up on its own as you were walking away to find a cup to pee in.

The hallway outside the room was dark, but you could see a light on in another room near by..... just a few doors down from yours.

You wondered who was living in that room.

The children's ward was supposed to be off limits....

Maybe it was a new kid.

Or a ghost messing with the electricity.

You were debating whether or not to slip out into the hallway to investigate the light in the strange room - when you heard the bed springs creak behind you.

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