Chapter 2

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Coral and Pearl both stared at Violet in shock. "Wait, what are you guys doing?"

Violet smiled cheekily up at them, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she stared straight into Coral's eyes. "Ruby and I are heading to the mall," she replied simply.

"Huh? Since when do you go shopping?" Frost inquired, blinking and tilting her head to the side. "For as long as I've known you, you've always stuck to reading books instead of playing." The Glaceon quietly observed with a thoughtful look on her face.

Violet snorted and rolled her eyes. "Hey! I don't always read books all day long thank you very much!" she told her with an annoyed huff.

"Well whatever," Pyro said, shaking out his fiery-colored fur. "Go have fun doing whatever you're doing."

"Oh Pyro!" Coral gave the fire-type eeveelution a playful shove. "Don't be so rude."

Ruby giggled and tilted her head to the side. "Is your friend always like this?" she asked Violet, pointing with her paw to where Pyro was chatting with Lance.

Violet sighed and shrugged in response. "Who knows!" she replied loftily. "Now c'mon! Let's go!" and with that the two girls were gone before anything else could be said on the matter.

"What are they doing again?" Leafblade asked, blinking and looking up from the flowers she'd been carefully studying.

"They're out being girls, that's what!" Shadow said bluntly. Pearl sighed and gave the Umbreon a pointed look.


Pearl kept glaring. "Don't be so rude, you're starting to sound like Pyro."

Shadow huffed and turned his head. "Yes mam!" he said stiffly. Pearl laughed and playfully swatted one of his ears with a paw.

"Do you know when they'll be back?" Brownie asked, patting over and sitting beside Pearl. The Sylveon shrugged and flicked her tail from left to right.

"I'm not really sure Brownie," she replied truthfully. "Violet never said when she and Ruby would be back."

Brownie just nodded her head in response.

"Well ok then," she replied cheerfully, "I'll go see what Frost and Leafblade are up to!" and with that she was gone before Pearl could say a word.

Pearl giggled softly as she watched Brownie run off to play. A fond smile formed on her face as she watched the rest of her fellow teammates laugh and play with one another.

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