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(I'm so sorry if you find this chapter cringe, I just wanted to add drama already 😭)

The final bell rings, and it's the end of the school day. Yoimiya and Kazuha go to invite the Kamisatos and Thoma, while Ei and Y/n look for their siblings together.

"Scaramouche has world history for his last class," Ei informs Y/n.

"Hey, so does Lunar! Let's walk together," the boy smiles and motions Ei to walk with him.

"Sounds good! It's been a while since I've seen Lunar anyway," she smiles.

Y/n pauses. "Wait, you two know each other?" he questions confusedly.

"Yeah! Whenever you and Scaramouche hang out, Lunar and I do. She's really sweet! You're lucky to have her as a little sister," Ei has a small smile on her face as she explains.

"Aww, thank you!"

As they walk, Y/n ponders if he should tell Ei about Lunar's crush on Scaramouche.

Nah, he decides. Lunar can tell who she wants.

Eventually, the two make it to world history, where there's a small crowd forming around someone.

"What the, how are we supposed to find them now?" Y/n facepalms.

"Don't worry, let's just see what this weird crowd is all about!" Ei assures him, in which he nods.


The two walk towards the small circle of people, and Y/n taps on someone's shoulder. "Hello? What's going on over here?"

"Mona kind of went nuts on Lunar, something about Scaramouche being her boyfriend," the random person shrugs.

"WHAT?!" Y/n gets annoyed right away after that. Someone had the audacity to humiliate his little sister?! No way is he letting that slide.

"Ugh, everyone shut it. I'm not dating that annoying 'astrologer,'" another voice grumbles somewhere outside of the crowd. It's Scaramouche.

"Scara, what's the meaning of this?!" Ei crosses her arms. "What did Mona say to Lunar?"

"Don't worry. I made sure to stop her before she could hurt Lunar... she didn't deserve Mona's pathetic little rant," Scaramouche rolls his indigo eyes.

Y/n calms down after hearing that. "Is she okay?"

"Not sure... she went to her locker, but I'm not sure where Mona went. She better not be harassing Lunar..." Scaramouche seems a little bit protective over Lunar, which Y/n can't help but smile at. It's cute.

"Let's all go together. I'm going to give that broke astrologist a piece of my mind for hurting my friend!" Ei declares.

"Yeah, what Ei said—" Y/n agrees.

About two to three minutes later, they find Lunar outside, being harassed by Mona.

"Leave her alone, Mona," Scaramouche says in a bored tone.

"But-!" Y/n interrupts Mona.

"Leave my sister alone, miss can't-even-afford-a-glass-of-water," he growls.

"Who are you again?" Mona scoffs.

"Just leave my friend alone," Ei glares at Mona.

"Ugh, fine. But this isn't over," the astrologist glances at Lunar with a small smirk before walking away.

"So annoying and for what?" Scaramouche grumbles under his breath. "Anyway, Lunar, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine... just a little bit confused," Lunar replies, a little bit relieved now that her friend, crush, and brother had all just defended her from her bully.

"She really thinks we're dating, it's disgusting," Scaramouche scoffs. "All she does is annoy the living crap out of me, and she won't leave me alone. Lunar, you didn't deserve the crap she gave you."

"Now that's out of the way, Y/n and I really came to ask you guys if you wanted to get ice cream with us!" Ei changes the subject nervously.

"I like that idea!" Lunar smiles, her mood immediately brightened. Y/n notices a small smile on Scaramouche's face when he looks at Lunar.

I swear one day they might end up together.

Ei seems to notice too, because she starts teasing her brother.

"Aww, you're smiling! What happened to the usual emo Grumpymouche?" she giggles.

"Shut up. Who said I don't like ice cream too?" Scaramouche looks at the ground in slight embarrassment.

"Mhmmm... it's totally the ice cream," Y/n raises an eyebrow at him.

"Huh?" Lunar's completely oblivious.

"Nothing, you'll learn one day little sis," her brother smiles and ruffles her hair. "Now let's go get some ice cream!"

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