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"Y/n, did you finally meet Ei?" Lunar asks expectantly (had to introduce your little sister before I forget 😋). "Yeah, she randomly texted me. Scaramouche must've given her my number," Y/n replies.

The two are currently walking to school together, discussing random things as usual. For example, there was once a time where Lunar brought up the pronunciation for caramel, another where she brought up haircut ideas, and— you get the gist.

This time, however, this seems to be a more serious and important discussion.

"Hey, I need to talk to you about something," Lunar looks up at her brother. "What is it? Is something wrong?" Y/n asks, genuinely confused and slightly worried about his little sister.

"No, kind of. I'm not really sure at the moment, but... I feel like I might like someone... do you have any advice?" Lunar seems really shy to reveal her thoughts.

"Depends, who is it?"


"Wowww, I thought you could tell me anything?"

"You don't need to know everything!"

"That's fair. Anyway, what advice do you need?"

Lunar pauses for a second when Y/n asks that question. "I guess how to talk to him and become closer to him?" she suggests. "Something like that."

"Hm, good question. Maybe just talk about random things like how you do with me? It could lead to better conversations and you could get to know each other better," he shrugs.

"Yeah, but I'm scared he's going to find me stupid... and plus he hangs out with Mona a lot, I probably don't have a chance anyway," Lunar sighs.

"Hey now, don't talk like that! I call you stupid because you're my sister, that doesn't mean you actually are completely stupid. If anything, you have higher scores than most kids in this school, which is quite impressive for a first-year," Y/n points out.

"Thanks... wait, aren't you a second-year?" she asks, looking up at Y/n again.

"Hey, I'm not one of the kids you passed FYI," he scoffs jokingly, making Lunar giggle.

"I know! Anyways... what should I do? I mean, if he's already dating Mona, I don't wanna get in between them or anything," Lunar points out.

"Mona's still single, you have nothing to worry about," Y/n assures her. "But I have to ask, who is it you're crushing on?"

"Please don't be mad at me..." she hesitates.

"Why would I be mad? You can't exactly control who you like anyway," her brother shrugs.

"Because... well... it's your friend... Scaramouche," Lunar mumbles sheepishly.

"Wait, what? Aww, that's cute! You really have nothing to worry about. Scaramouche is rude to basically everyone, and he said it himself he doesn't like Mona at all. He finds her super annoying," Y/n smiles, putting a reassuring hand on his little sister's shoulder.

"Really? So you're saying I might have a chance?" she gives him a hopeful look.

"Yes. And don't worry, if he doesn't feel the same, he isn't the one."

"You're the best!" Lunar hugs her brother.

"Aww... anyways, come on! We're gonna be late— woah!"

(Timeskip to chemistry class because I'm lazy 😻 )

"Y/n! Over here!" Yoimiya waves to Y/n. She's currently sitting with Kazuha and Ei. "Hey guys," Y/n sits down in an empty chair next to Ei.

"Hi!" Ei smiles at him.

(For the sake of me being goofy, Ei's a bit shorter than Y/n + everyone who's tall in the game gets to be a little shorter anyway bcuz high school. ANYWAYS)

"Nice to finally meet you for real this time," Y/n grins back.

"Wait, you guys have met before?" Kazuha blinks, confused.

"Of course they have! Probably briefly though, since Y/n met Ei because he's Scaramouche's best friend," Yoimiya explains.

"Ah, that makes sense," Kazuha nods.

The teacher at the front of the class calls everyone for their attention. "Students, this individual project has been changed to a group project, since we have gotten multiple complaints about it being too hard to do alone. You may choose partners up to a group of four."

"Wanna be a group?" Yoimiya asks almost immediately, making Ei giggle.

"Well then, guess we found our group already," Kazuha smiles, to which Y/n nods.

"Do you guys wanna go get ice cream later?" Ei asks shyly. "There was a new ice cream parlor on the way to school today."

"Ooh, yes! I love that idea!" Yoimiya cheers. "I'll even make a group chat for us later!"

"Can I bring Lunar? She loves ice cream," Y/n asks.

"I don't see why not... I could invite Scaramouche with us too. Maybe we could also invite Thoma, Ayaka, and Ayato while we're at it," Ei smiles.

"The more the merrier," Kazuha agrees.

"Guys! Should we invite Tomo and Itto?" Yoimiya suggests.

"Mn, nah. Those two almost got us kicked out last time because Tomo said Itto's hair reminded him of Sonic the hedgehog," Y/n shakes his head.

"But is he wrong though? Not to defend Tomo or anything, but..." Yoimiya shrugs.

"Yoimiya has a point, but still, I believe it'd be sort of unwise to invite those two if we want to keep the hangout civil," Kazuha sighs.

"True. Anyone else?" Yoimiya asks.

"Maybe we can keep it small for now, since too many of us can cause chaos," Ei explains.

"That's fair. So then it's settled. Ei, can you send us the address?" Y/n smiles.

"Or to save her trouble, we can all walk there together!" Yoimiya suggests excitedly.

"I like that idea," Ei agrees.

"Alright, I'll ask the Kamisatos and Thoma to tag along then," Kazuha volunteers.

"I'll ask Lunar," Y/n nods.

"And of course I'll ask Scaramouche. For now, we should work on the project planning while we still have time," Ei points out.

"Alright then! Let's get started!" Yoimiya beams happily.

"Sweets?" ~An Ei x Male Reader Chatfic~Where stories live. Discover now