Chapter 36

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Nef was really pissed at Nira right now

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Nef was really pissed at Nira right now. Locking him in the bathroom? Seriously? They would have to have a talk about this once everything was over and done with. Now he had different problems to deal with—like actually getting to where the others had gone.

Picking the lock had been pretty easy, which had been surprising since this train had been made by completely different civilization, but Nef was definitely glad for it. Otherwise he probably wouldn't have gotten out in the first place.

He pretty much ran towards the exit, putting the goggles back over his eyes since it would too dark outside to see anything. He wanted to get back to the surface as soon as possible, and not just because the absolute stillness of the train along with the impenetrable darkness outside the windows was creeping him out.

He came to a halt, though, when he heard someone sniffle softly. He probably would have totally missed it had the train not been so empty, but now he had to find out who had made the sound. Who could possibly be here aside from Nef?

He heard the sound again and walked past a few compartments, peering into them. In the third one, he found the origin of the sounds. Honestly, it should have occurred to him immediately.

Mel looked so damn heartbroken, it was actually a bit hard to look at. He was just sitting there, staring at his feet, one hand in his lap, the other hanging in the air, held there by handcuffs. On further inspection, Mel didn't seem to be crying, but he continued sniffling occasionally.

Since Mel didn't seem to notice him, Nef opened the door and stepped inside, finally drawing the Eternal's attention. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Nef finally broke the silence.


Mel wordlessly nodded, looking down at his shoes again.

"Yeah, Nira had a similar idea," Nef said, smirking slightly. Mel looked up with an expression somewhere between pity and confusion. "She forgot I can pick locks. Speaking of which...."

Nef walked over to Mel, taking a hold of the cuff around his wrist. A very odd feeling hit him suddenly along with a slight dizziness, so he quickly let it go. Right, Eternal power, blah blah. Probably had an effect on him as well.

Nef instead opted for gripping Mel's hand so he knew the Eternal wouldn't move and began trying to pick the lock on the cuff with his trusty bobby pins.

"Wanna go with me to yell at our significant others?" Nef asked with a note of sarcasm at the term, and Mel smiled a little. Thank the gods, if he looked like a lost, wet puppy for much longer, Nef would have been compelled to hug him or something.

"I'd rather go help them," Mel replied with an air of amusement. Who knew Mel could understand humor?

"Yeah, sure, that first, yelling later," Nef replied, grinning at the Eternal as the cuff finally snapped open. Mel rubbed his wrist a bit, looking unsure suddenly.

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