"But after a while, the cops started getting phone calls from people reporting all the missing thieves, the one the Beast killed. It added up to about a 120– 173 guys. It's true! They never found a single body. Not one." He mentioned, "Some people say they all got away. But we all know what really happened. The Beast ate them. He ate them bones and all. The Beast was too good at his guard dog job so the police said he had to be retired. My grandpa, Squidman Palledorous was police chiefback then. He ordered Mr. Mertle to turn his backyard into a fortress and chain up The Beast and put him under the house where he could never get out to eat children and stuff.. That's where he's been for 20 years. And that's where he'll be for the rest of his life. Because Mr. Mertle asked the cops how long he had to keep The Beast chained up like a slave they said until forever. Forever. Forever. Forever. Forever." He said.

"And so, The Neast sits there under that lean-to dreaming of the time when he can break the chain and get out, dreaming of the time he can chase and kill again." He concluded.

"See man, that's why we can't go over here. Nobody ever has. Nobody will ever will." Bertram said.

"One kid did, but we never saw him again." Ham said.

"That ain't true!" Kenny said.

"Yeah, it is." Ham denied, "He got eaten."

"Nuh-uh. No, none of that's true! You guys are just making this up to scare me." Scotty said.

"Oh yeah? Stick your head out that window." Squints told him.

That night, I learned that more than 150 baseballs and not one of them was ever seen again.. Even when some brave kid worked enough courage to went over. Because when they went over, they vanished. I knew it was true, because when I looked down in there, I didn't see a single solitary one.

"He's down there!" Scotty said.

"Bet he his." Squints said.

"Whatever goes over that fence. Stays there." Ham told him.

"It becomes the property of the Beast." Squints said.


"I'm bored!" Ham whined.

"Let's play truth or dare then." Scotty said.

"No that's a thing girls do at sleepovers!" Ham refused.

"Come on, Ham, we have nothing else to do.." Benny told him.

"Fine." Ham said.

"I'll start, Benny.. Truth or dare?" Kenny asked knowing what he had in mind.

"Easy, truth." Benny said making everyone whine.

"You're supposed to say dare or it's boring!" Ham said.

"Wait, wait, wait, quiet. Guys, I'll ask him a juicy question. Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez, do you promise to be as honest as possible with that question?" Kenny asked smirking.

"Yeah?.." Benny answered.

"Okay, do you like my sister?" Kenny asked making everyone speechless, Ham gasped.

THE BASEBALL CONTEST ; THE SANDLOT - benny r. x black fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now