"Looking a little hot there cutie." Damian winked as he let go of Leo's face. Unaware of his blushing face, Leo's eye's widen as the sound of the word "cutie." Damian was fortunate enough to watch the whole reaction with a subtle smile on his face before looking at the horizon.

"Time flies when your having fun huh?"
"I guess it does. I have to go back home." Leo said with a tinge of sadness in his voice
"Yeah me too. Don't wanna stress the family out." Damian chuckled as he got off the billboard.

"Hey wait!" Leo called
"Will...will I ever see you again?... I-I-I MEAN I-IT'S NICE HAVING F-FRIENDS THAT A-ARENT MY BROTHERS..." Leo stuttered, realizing the meaning behind his words. His question was replied to with a laugh. He looked at Damian to see him clutching his stomach with a goofy smile on his face.

"Haven't laughed that much in ages! The name's Damian. If you ever wanna see me again, just call my name, I'll be there." Damian shot a wink at Leo before leaving...


A few days had passed since his fateful encounter with Damian and Leo was straight up conflicted.

On one side, he had the wolf hybrid he met on that night against the Kraang known as Loki (yes know they're robots, I'm subtly skipping episodes), and on the other hand, he had the human beauty that called himself Damian. Leonardo has never felt this way for anyone in his life. Of course he loved his brother's and his sensei but when it came to Damian/Loki a different set of feeling came to play.

He was laying down on his bed staring at the ceiling, recalling the time he met the people who changed his life until a set of words flew through his mind...

"You sure you're not confusing romantic feelings for admiration?"

Damian was probably right. Leo had never seen a human so comfortable with someone like himself. Maybe he just admired his bravery alongside Loki's. The time would come for when he would fall in love, he just hoped sooner rather than later

"Where did you learn that move!" Leo heard Splinter yell from the Dojo. Leo hopped outnof his bed and sprinted to the Dojo.
Leaving the Dojo, he was met by Raph and Donnie
"Mikey's in trouble." Raph said as he dashed past Leo.
Without hesitation, Leo followed right behind his brother's.
"Stay safe Mikey. We're coming!"

Damian watched as 3 mutant turtles entered the skylight of a building. He couldn't risk revealing his identity, especially since he's already met one of them. So he sits and bides his time until he sees the 4 of them burst out of the roof. However, he didn't fail to see the grip Leo had on his arm and the pained expression he had as he leapt from building to building.

Something inside Damian snapped. He decided to pay a visit to the reason behind Leo's pain and teach them a lesson.

Damian landed in the dark room, alerting the two men left in the room.
"Who's ther-"
"Chris Bradford and Xever. You boys chose the wrong day to piss me off." Damian growled
"Who the hell are you?" Bradford asked. His response was Damian lifting two fingers, pointed at them lying flat.
"Up or Down" Damian stated.
"Pfft this clown is nothing but empty threats. Let's finish him off." Xever snickered, trying to move towards Damian, only to realize he's been rooted to the spot by some invisible force.
"Last Time. Up or Down?" Damian sneered. His eyes seemed to glow in the dark room as he stared daggers into the targets souls. His question was met with silence. All Damian did was sigh before saying...

"Down it is then." Damian flicked his two fingers towards the floor so that his fingertips would be facing the ground. Instantly, both Xever and Bradford were slammed to the ground with a massive force pressing against them.

"What...the hell?" Bradford stuttered.
"You know, the human body can withstand 5Gs of force. I...can easily triple that. Now if you want to get away with your lives, we need to make a deal." Damian sneered, as serious as he possibly could've been.
"What...do you...want." Xever muttered, struggling under the intense force pressing him against the ground.
"You ever even touch Blue or his brother's again, I will be there to make your like a Living Hell!"

"Hahaha you expect to to just give up so-ACK!" Bradford was interrupted by the force on top of him intensifying, making it feel like he was about to explode.

"Do I make myself clear?" Damian stood above the crushing figures
"C-Crystal" Xever replied, releasing the force pressing down on the two. They clambered back up to their feet to see Damian completely vanished.
"We might have to tell Master Shredder about this..."

Damian was on the way home, satisfied at his successful attempt at a threat when a voice rang through his head...

"Damian....you there?"

Leo creeped through a dark alleyway, clutching his arm and wincing in pain every now and then.
"Damian....you there?" Leo sighed at the silence he received. He knew it was too good to be true. He should've known bett-
"Miss me already?" A voice rang from behind Leo. He whipped around to see Damian's trademark goofy smile and at that sight, all of Leo's trouble seemed to fade away...

A/N:Damian's powers will be explained fully soon. It's a very complicated power. It also ties to why he left his parents..

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