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They had driven for miles, their destination unknown. Being in a van was exhausting and draining  the road trip had been a long journey of nothing but moving in circles. 

"If only you asked for the directions. Maybe we wouldn't be in this situation !" She was infuriated.  A van filled with friends, nighttime fast approaching and no idea where they were going. 

"Look lights!" Sandheer exclaimed with excitement. Judging by the eye the it was an estimate of over forty kilometers away. They'd be there by  seven or eight depending on how fast Singh drove.  They drove on and according to estimates they should have arrived minutes ago but that was the problem the lights seemed to move further and further.  Then almost as though it had heard them it got closer as they drove to it, almost as though it was letting them in to it borders. Strangely the settlement was more traditional than modern. Grass-thatched roofs and mud walls. An old temple nearby that had a bell that constantly kept swinging and gonging. Something was off about this place, the eerie silence that hung around the place. The place was completely empty and deserted. Not a soul in sight, the darkness around the place and few torches that were lit did not help the situation.  They heard noise ahead, "maybe they had a market day or a festival." 

Lakshmi  might have been right , so they headed out to see. They were met with more desertion and emptiness. They drove on and only found more emptiness and silent villages.

Once upon a time, there was a well-off village near Jaisalmer. One night, it just vanished.

The village of Kuldhara had 84 villages and within a night, it ceased to exist. People say that villagers left their homes but no one saw them leaving. How? Why? Where? These questions remain unanswered.

According to an urban legend India, a minister wanted to marry the daughter of the village chief. When rejected, the minister warned them to give him the girl within 24 hours or they will face consequences. The entire village thought of leaving rather than to give in to his cruel intent. But before they took-off, they put a curse of death on Kuldhara village. After that day, anybody that tried to live here faced death.

Travelers have often spoken of seeing this phantom village and walking around in the place. Empty huts and empty markets. See the village was the size of Alaska and with those many people it's not normal to just have everyone go to another place. With out a single trace it gets stranger. The problem also is the village was demolished and was confirmed to exist. The location where people claim to have seen this ghost village is not far off its demolished site, The sightings have only been reported and most people who claim that they have seen this phantom are traveler low on battery and tired. Could it be an illusion ? Either way they sound real convinced with a 20% being foreigners.     

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