Happily Ever After

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A few months later:

Harry's POV

                I had just loaded the last of my things into the truck and I'm on my way to Heathers. In the last month, a lot has happened. Zoey turned 7 and we had a huge celebration with Liam and Sophia, Louis, Niall, Karina (Heather's friend) some of her school friends like Emily, Meagan, Kelsey, Angie, and Jasmine, Heather's parents, Heather and I. We had a jumpy house in the backyard and a BBQ for food. I also moved in and I'm on my way with the last of my things today. 

Today is Heather and my 6 month anniversary. I'm taking her out to dinner and I'm going to propose tonight. I love her and Zoey so much and I want to be with them for the rest of my days. I get to Heather's house and unload the last of the boxes. I then get ready for tonight while she gets ready. Liam has graciously offered to watch Zoey while we go out and he gets there soon after we are done getting ready.

Heather's POV:

                I get ready to go out tonight for Harry and my 6 month anniversary. I see him coming down the stairs and can't help thinking that he looks so good in those slacks that make his legs look like they could go on for days and I love him. He sees me and smiles, which makes me smile. I don't know why, but when I'm with him, I just feel happy and whole again. I don't want it to change. 

Soon, Liam gets here to watch Zoey for the night. I give him directions on how to handle her and then we head out. We get to this fancy restaurant and order. I get chicken Parmesan and Harry gets Shrimp Alfredo. When our food get here, the waiter puts down a bottle of wine with it. I can see something on the top of it and soon Harry grabs it and gets down on one knee. "Heather Martin, I love you. Would you make me the happiest person alive right now, and become Mrs. Heather Styles?" I start crying but mutter out a quick, "Yes! Of course" and lean down to kiss him. I guess we really were a match.

They lived happily ever after. The End

This is the last chapter of Match :(  Thank you sooooo much for reading this and all my stories. You guys are seriously the best :) As always, let me know how you like it :)

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