"Who did this to you, Luke" he whispered and ran his hand up and down my back.

"I did" I said quietly and Calum pulled away a bit to look at me with furrowed eyebrows. I brought up my hand and Calum's body grew slack and he sighed loudly because he knew just what I had done.

"Luke, not again" he sighed and carefully grabbed my arm so both him and Michael could look at my hand closer, "This is broken, we need to go to the hospital"

I nodded and sniffled, "I know"

"What happened?" Michael asked carefully.

"Reality happened"

"I think I've broken my hand" I said quietly, avoiding looking the doctor in the eyes for too long. He nodded and sat down on a chair before rolling it over to me. He carefully grabbed my hand and inspected it.

"Just the hand?" he asked and looked up at me. I nodded. "The blood in your hair and face is from your hand then?" he asked and I nodded once again. He hummed and kept inspecting the hand.

"Can you move your fingers?" he asked and I shook my head.

"It hurts too much" I mumbled and this time he nodded.

"So, how did you get this glass in your hand?" he asked again as he rolled off to his desk and picked up a few napkins to clean away some of the blood on my hand to see better.

"I-" I said and sighed while closing my eyes, "I punched a mirror" I said, embarrassed to say it out loud. The doctor didn't judge though, he just nodded and hummed.

"You must have been pretty angry because this punch needed some real strength and anger" he chuckled a bit to let go of the tense feeling around the four of us in the small room. I just sighed and nodded.

"We'll have to clean it off from the blood and then we need to pick out the glass fragments one by one before we can do an x-ray and go through with surgery" he told me, looking me in the eyes. I nodded, agreeing to all he said.

"You know how surgery works, I see here that you have been through this surgery before" he said and I once again nodded. "Do you still take medication or have you stopped?"

"I stopped after my therapist said I was done with her specific treatment. I felt fine after that and life was good so I went through about three years without any problems"

The doctor nodded, writing something down on his computer. "I understand, but you need to understand that your issue won't ever just disappear. I think you realized that now, didn't you?"

"Yeah" I mumbled, looking down in shame at my broken hand.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, Luke, but you need to remember that for yourself and for others health. Anger issues isn't something that appears to later just disappear, it's always there and you need to take care of your body because this is the second time you've literally crushed your hand and last time it was your foot and that guy's shoulder that took the hit. If you don't understand the consequences, you or someone else will be severely hurt" he told me, looking at me sincerely.

"I know" I mumbled once again looking down at my hands, nodding slowly.

"I'll write out a new description for you. Both for the pain you'll have in your hand and the anger issues. The medications for your anger isn't something you have to take daily, but I need you to at least take it and you need to follow the descriptions, okay?" he asked and smiled when I looked up at him and sighed out a small 'yes'.

"Good, now let's get that hand to work again"


Calum, Michael and I were in Calum's bedroom doing absolutely nothing. I was lying in Calum's bed, looking up at the ceiling while Michael was drawing on my blue cast and Calum was quietly singing along to the song that was playing on MTV.

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