Chapter 23: A Million Pieces

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"Wait. What are you saying?" Sarah turned around nonchalantly, almost as if she thought Nate was playing a joke on them.

"That's he's not here." Nate looked back into her eyes daringly, taking one step backwards to keep an eye out for his surroundings. Jay reached over to grab Sarah's arm, dragging her along to follow Nate.

"Are you saying Jerry caught him, or?" Jay trounced him with yet another question, quickening his pace and passing multiple trees on the way.

"I think so. Once we stopped here, I-I realised he wasn't behind us anymore," Nate crouched down beside a nearby tree, sulking into his chest. His brood expression showed off instantly as he looked back up to the others. Jay crouched beside him, and placed one hand on Nate's shoulder. He patted and rubbed him softly, puckering his bottom lip which varied his facial expression.

"Man, I really hope this all stops. We can't lose anyone else!" Jay whispered harshly, a croak beginning to form in his throat. He pushed it out, swallowing it straight away, just like he did with his fears...and feelings.

"I know. It's three down and three to go. I mean, not to mention one is dead! I can't imagine what he's going to do with Vince," Nate cried, secretly weeping in his shirt. It was quite obvious Nate and Vince had been closer, just like it had been with Jay, Chuck and Jack. But of course all of that had changed now - big time.

"We have to go," Sarah announced, finally breaking the silence in between the two. Nate looked up at her, his head following her lead. His face showed the deepest empathy. His eyes had been bloodshot, his cheeks were puffy and he was almost hyperventilating.

"Huh?" He replied, unaware of what position he was about to be put in.

"Well, we shouldn't just sit here and act like we have to wait for something to happen, ok? Nothing is going to happen if we just sit around here all day. We should go and find Vince, and then get out of here! There's always something to stop us in our tracks!" Sarah argued, without any hesitation.

She stormed out from behind Jay's back, her hair dancing, rushing and swaying behind her. She flicked it off her shoulders, looking in all corners of her sight. There was nothing except for the existence of chirping birds and swaying trees. Without any words or exceptions, the boys stood and tagged along.

A few minutes had passed, and already the bugging and questions had started.

"Do you think we'll find him?" Nate questioned, humming along at the back of their line. He ripped and cut through the leaves of trunks with a long, sharp stick - almost as if he were in a jungle.

"Well, if we look hard enough," Jay said, huffing in exhaustion. He looked back at Nate, who zoomed through, almost poking and startling himself with the stick. Luckily he could amuse himself during the walk...

"I'm starting to think we won't find him!" Nate yelled through thin air, stopping behind every time Sarah frequently paused whenever a bird flew past.

"Yeah, well...We won't be getting out of here until we find him." Jay assured as he felt his feet sink into the moist dirt beneath him. Sarah continued down a tiny trail, interrupted by a tiny few bumps in the ground.

They struggled to walk for a while now, as time built up before their unforeseeable future. They really didn't know if they were going to get out alive...even when Chuck obviously wasn't going to.

Sarah jumped over two huge branches blocking the footpath, watching behind to see Jay and Nate cross. In front were scattering branches hovering over their tiny heads, dropping leaves in the twisted, knotty hair. Jay kept walking, only to feel Nate's stick poke and jab him in the back numerous times.

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