Chapter 14: The Virtual Kiss

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It was officially night time after a couple more hours of walking in unknown and unseen tracks.

"Maybe we should stop here for the night?" Sarah suggested, watching as the stars in the moonlight shone over the forest trees and spacious campground.

"Yeah, I think so. It's not like we can see where we're going," Chuck agreed, taking a seat next to a large, hovering and towering tree. They all sat down with him as their way of agreeing. Nate brought out his lantern and placed it in the middle of their circle, hoping to brighten it up for the fact that it was freakishly dark and that Chuck had been upset the whole walk - causing everyone not to talk.

"It's cold," Sarah stated, rubbing her arms while her teeth chattered. Her hairs stood on end and her head trembled against a tree next to Chuck.

"Here, take my blanket," Jay threw his blanket, spreading it out to make sure it covered all of Sarah's body. She blushed, grinning in response and perking up her shoulders. She curled up in the blanket, so all that was in sight was her head. She pursed her lips, scrunching up her face mixed with the tiniest smile.

"The lantern isn't that bright," Chuck protested as he jumped to his feet and grabbed a whole stash of sticks, placing them in the middle of their circle. He threw the lantern in Nate's arms like it was a piece of rubbish.

"I'm going to make a do any of you still have some food in your bag?" Chuck kept brushing the sticks together, not looking up to see the boys' expressions of the way his 'fire' idea escalated quickly.

"Yeah," Jay retrieved canned food out from his bag, handing a can to each person in the group as if they were a hungry and vicious dog.

"So, have you ever camped before?" Vince turned to Sarah, watching as she ate out of her can cravingly.

"Nope...not sure that I like this too much though," she answered, scraping off the excess bits in her can.

"You know what actually freaks me out? The fact that my kidnapper could be looking for me in this forest right now and we'd never know..." She smirked happily, as if she was waiting for the kidnapper to surprise her again.

"Why are you laughing? That's freaky! What if he was to jump out from behind a tree a-and catch you agai-"

"Vince, stop! Don't jinx anything," Chuck interrupted, watching as sparks flew above the newly lit fire. Smoked escaped the tips of the fire, and it gleamed in their eyes like they were watching a cremation. The space around them instantly heated up and their bodies all contrasted to a burning red from the reflection.

"Well, I'm not happy that he's probably looking for me again...but I'm just happy that I escaped it for real this time. If it wasn't for you guys...then I'd probably be starving to death in his house...with the creepy noises in his attic," she looked down at the blanket anxiously when she spoke, still trembling from the chilly breeze.

"Thank you, all of you...and whoever thought of coming to the house in the first place. It really means a lot," she smiled at them all friendly, cupping Chuck's and Vince's hands in her own since they were the closest.

(Jays' POV)

Yeah, that's right. I was the one who wanted to go to the house to help her. I should be getting the credit for all of this, not Chuck or Nate or Vince...and if I had been sitting next to her, she would've been doing that to me. Why must that always happen to me? Everything was bad timing for me. I was always in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe something was wrong with me. No, nothing was wrong with me. I guess I am always jealous. I have to admit that I am a very jealous person.

I snapped out of my jealousy thoughts when I stared at the fire slowly burning out. I threw another plank of wood that was lying around, making the fire slightly grow upon the night. I studied everyone's figures, only to see Vince had already fallen asleep, as well as Nate and Sarah.

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