"Nah, got a few fights lined up, need to be ready for 'them. Besides, what's the point of being on the field if I end up hurt? Fighting's my real passion," he explains.

"It makes sense," I assure him, offering a gentle smile. As we pull up to the café, we join the rest of the gang. It's our go-to spot for lunch, serving up the best bagels and iced caramel macchiatos.

My stomach growls just on cue, and Reece chuckles, teasing, "Hungry much?"

"Yup, I'm absolutely famished," I admit. The waitress arrives to take our orders. I go for my usual – a caramel macchiato and the spicy chicken with rocket, smashed avocado, and sundried tomato on healthy grain bagel plus a side of fries, just for good measure.

Reece opts for the hearty omelette with potato cubes and fried tomato, and a water since he's not into fizzy drinks. His flawless skin is probably thanks to that. Although, he does order an iced coffee without any flavors. I crinkle my nose at it. "What? It's better than all the sugar in your drink," he pokes me in the side.

"Oh my god stop," I say, giggling. But he persists, poking me until I burst into laughter. "Geez, get a room, you two," Austin quips, teasing us. Reece just shoots him a look. I notice Kady glaring at us, what is her problem.

Our food arrives, and we exchange small talk while eating. Austin lets out a loud burp. "You're a pig, Austin," Kady says in a disgusted tone. Austin counters back, "Better out than in," drawing laughter from us.

I shake my head, half amused, half grossed out by his burp. Just as I'm about to enjoy the last fry, a hand reaches over and swipes it.

"Hey, no fair,I protest, looking to see Reece enjoying my stolen fry with a satisfied grin. "That was my last one," I pout.

Leaning close, he teases, "I know and was delicious." He licks his lips and winks at me playfully.

"You're such a meanie," I retort, poking him in retaliation for his earlier antics. He laughs, pokes me back, then jokes, "You could always come and savor the remnants from my lips."causing my cheeks to heat up .

Before I can respond, a scoff breaks the moment. I glance over the table to find Kady muttering something under her breath. Reece, never one to back down, sarcastically inquires, "Got something on your mind, Kady?"

"What?" she shoots back with irritation, "You seem to have something to say." Reece challenges her, "Your flirting is ruining my meal. It's nauseating."

"KADY!!!" Samia cuts in, sounding exasperated. "What the hell ! Why are you so moody ?"

"I'm not moody," Kady grumbles, "just tired of Reece and Lorna's flirting ." Her voice carries a hint of jealousy.

I chime in, my voice timid due to embarrassment. "We're not flirting," I explain, attempting to clear things up. "We're just messing around; it's just the way we always are." Kady glares at me. "Yeh Right, Lorna. Your innocent giggles and shy act don't fool anyone. You come off as desperate, and it's pathetic."

I'm taken aback by her words, unsure how to react. Why is she attacking me? The table falls silent, everyone waiting for my response. But before I can reply, Reece steps up to defend me.

"What's it to you if we flirt? Are you jealous?" Reece bites back.

"Jealous? Me? Of who, Lorna?" Kady spits back, her teeth clenched. "As if.

What's your problem, Kady?" Sarah chimes in.

Reece adds, "It's alright, Sarah. Ignore her." He gives Kady a stern look. "Thinks she's above everyone. What's wrong, Kady? Feeling left out, so you're taking it out on Lorna?"

"No, I'm not. I'm just sick of you two pretending to be 'just friends' while you're practically all over each other." Kady's voice drips with resentment.Well if you don't like it you know where the door is, Reece says giving her another challenge..

"Hmph." Kady stands up and storms out. I start to follow her, but Reece grabs my hand, urging me to leave her be. "She needs a ride back, and I want to make sure she's okay," I protest.

"Leave her, "Reece insists, "she needs to know she can't treat people like that. Especially someone who doesn't deserve it,giving me a comforting smile.

Reece's right, Lorna. Why run after her? She was out of line, and you've done nothing wrong," Samia says, chiming in.

I consider their words. "I know, but maybe..." I start, but Reece cuts in firmly, "Leave her. She'll come around. You're too good to her." The group nods in agreement.

I sink back into my seat, pondering Kady's behavior. Maybe she still has feelings for Reece, but he made it clear he wasn't interested. He only went on that date with her because I begged him to.

She was fine with me all summer. Maybe seeing Reece again stirred up her feelings for him, feelings he doesn't share. But that's not my fault.

"Hey, are you alright?" Reece nudges me with his elbow. I nod, but he can probably tell from my expression that I'm conflicted. "You're too nice for your own good, you know that?" he comments.

I shrug. "Yeah, maybe. I just hate drama."

He smirks. "Well, tell Kady to piss off, and you won't have to deal with drama anymore."

Nudging him back, I say, "You know I'm not like that. Maybe she's just having a bad day.

Or maybe she's just psycho." Austin chimes in, prompting chuckles from the rest of the group.

I shake my head and stand up, grabbing my purse. "Alright, let's head back to school." Everyone groans, realising how quickly the lunch break has flown by.

As we walk back to Reece's car, my thoughts remain with Kady. So much for a drama-free first day. I wonder what the rest of the year has in store...

Well that was intense 😬😬
What's up with Kady is she starting to show her true colours 😏

Another chapter up, hope you enjoy it.
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