Transformers 2007 (Part 3)

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"Are you okay?" Mikaela asks

"I'm not okay, all right? I'm losing my mind a little bit. I'm getting chased by my car right now. Got to go" Sam replies

"You know what? I'm gonna catch up with you guys later" Mikaela says

"At least she is intrigued..." KC Amagi says

Sam is still being chased by the Camaro

The laughter immediately stopped once a certain Saleen 281 Police Cruiser with a certain symbol stopped in front of Mikaela and immediately drove off

"Oh f*ck" Enterprise and Essex say

Sam then rode the bike into another area as the Camaro drives past him

"Oh, great. Cops" Sam says as he notices the Saleen Cruiser

"I don't even see a driver" Texas says

A shot of the police car is then seen, on the side, four words are seen

"To punish and enslave..."

"Now that's Satan's car" Jean Bart says

"Sounds appropriate, and it may be a racist motherf*cker" Pennsylvania says

"It's an impostor amongst police cars" Hornet says

"Officer! Listen!" Sam says

Suddenly, the door smacked Sam off his mom's bike and lands hard on the floor

"Oof" Most shipgirls say

The door then shuts

A holographic driver (Mustache Man) is now seen in the car

"Ah- oh... oh that hurt..." Sam groans

Sam then gets up on his feet, using the hood of the car as support and completely unaware of the situation he is currently in

"Listen to me! Thank God you're here! I've had the worst day ever! I've been, I've been followed here on my mother's bike! Right? And my car's right there and it's been following me here! So get out of the car!" Sam yells

"You don't do that... yelling and hitting the hood... bad call... even if the car is actually a robot... still a bad call if you actually do that to an actual cop..." Enterprise says

The police car then aggressively drives and keeps stopping closer and closer to Sam. The boy is knocked to the ground and is slowly pushed

"No! Stop! Oh, God. Okay, okay! Okay, all right! Okay! I'm sorry! I'm- whoah! I didn't mean to hit your car! Look! Okay, look, look, look! Oh my, oh- whoah whoa whoa- stop, stop!" Sam yells

 The engine revs which further terrifies Sam

Some of the shipgirls were also feeling scared

"That Transformer needs to calm down and stop being a barricade against the poor guy..." Victorious says

The headlights then slightly transforms

Please! Okay, what do you want from me!?" Sam yells

"Dumb*ss, you don't say that" Essex says

Then... the car transforms

The robot snarls, angry looking. It looks like a demon, his four eyes and the transformation sounds do not help. Then... the alien glares at Sam and hunches over

"That's a bad cop if I ever saw one... aside from Ms Enterprise..." Ark Royal says

"A law enforcer on the villain's side... how ironic..." Ping Hai says

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