Ben takes the hit but he throws one back at Jeff. I start to yell and the door opens. Masky starts to pull Ben away and Hoodie grabs Jeff. "You two can't fight over her! She's not worth it!" Masky yells at them.

"You're wrong. She's worth everything," Ben and Jeff say at the same time. They turn and glare at each other in annoyance.

"You suddenly believe it now? Was that before or after she got those bruises?" Jeff growls at Ben.

Ben winces and look away, "I didn't mean to."

"Bullshit. Those bruises are dark as hell. You choked her so hard that you left those deep bruises." Jeff lunges for him but Hoodie keeps him back.

"Alright, enough!" Masky yells again. "Jeff, take your pet and leave."

"No!" Ben snaps. "He can't hog her!"

"Well, do you have any suggestions?" Jeff asks sarcastically.

20 minutes later, all the Creepypasta but Slendy are all in the living room. We're all on the floor with a big blanket pile. Everyone but Jeff, Ben, Toby, Lily, and I are complaining. Jeff has me in his arms, rubbing some bruise cream on my neck.

"You choked her pretty good?" E.J. compliments Ben.

Ben glares, "It wasn't like that. I stopped when I saw her life disappearing because it hurt me."

"What?" L.J. asks surprised, neatly dropping his ice cream.

Jeff stops applying the cream and looks at Ben for more information.

"Yeah, it hurt me. It was like a knife in my heart. I think... this soulmate thing might be true." Ben says as he stares at me.

"You don't remember?" I ask him as I stare back.

"Remember what?" E.J. cuts in. "What the fuck are we supposed to be remembering.

"That I'm your soulmate. That you were mad that I ran away." I say to E.J.

E.J. doesn't say anything. It's silence for a minute between everyone.

"Soulmates don't exist," E.J. snaps at me.

"Yes, they do!" Jeff growls back.

Ben peers over at me. "I think I believe the soulmate theory because it hurt me to hurt you. But I don't remember anything you said. That we kidnapped you and had you living with us at that factory? I don't remember that, I'm sorry."

Our conversations stopped after that. We start to get comfortable on the floor pallet. I cuddle close to Jeff. It bothers me that Ben doesn't remember everything but at least he admits we're soulmates. Everyone was sleeping but me. I can't get my mind to shut down.

Eventually, I drifted off. Dreaming of our time at the factory. I miss being able to touch them when I wanted to. I miss being close to E.J. Before they lost their memories he was still was mad at me. But I feel like it was getting better.

In the 'morning', which is just basically evening time, the others start to get up. I'm woken up to being jostled. Jeff rushes out an apology as he gets up for the bathroom.

I stretch and wait for him. Jeff comes back and he lets me shower and change. We headed downstairs for food, there was some left. Nobody was at the table but us. It left these feelings of nostalgia for when the Creepypastas would always eat together.

The day passes ever slowly. Jeff went to shower, so I hung out with Toby and Lily. They didn't do much but watch T.V. Talking was slim to none. I feel like something's not right, it's too calm.

Suddenly the power goes out. I sit there surprised but Toby jumps up and looks out the window. It's dark outside still, and fresh snow blankets the ground. I frown and get up to look as well. There are footsteps outside the house and Toby curses.

"What's going on?" Lily asks Toby.

"Take Y/N and hide in that place I showed you." Lily nods and grabs my wrist. She leads me upstairs to the back of the house, near Slendy's room. Before we could get to where we were going, a figure stood at the end of the hall. I don't think they've seen us yet.

We duck into a nearby room. Lily pulls me under the bed. I realize we're in her and Toby's room. I'm on the side closer to the door. So I peered out and watched. I see the figure get closer and closer. Before I could react I'm grabbed and yanked out. I open my mouth to yell but I realize it's E.J.

"What the fuck are you two doing?" He asks in an annoyed voice. Lily pops out from under the bed.

"The powers out, we thought we were being invaded," Lily explains, and I nod my head with her.

E.J. laughs darkly at us, "The power went out because Slendy went out for a hunt."

We stare at him, "So we're not being invaded?" I ask him, I feel kinda of stupid.

"No, we're not. It's hard for anything to detect us with what Slendy did. Right now, with him gone, we could be in danger. But Ben and L.J. probably took over on the shields. We're good." E.J. says as he lets go of me. I just realized he was holding on to me this whole time."

We follow E.J. back downstairs with the other Creepypasta. With nothing to do, we just sit in the dark.

Hours pass and the power turns on. Everyone starts getting ready for bed. We're not sleeping on the floor pallet anymore. I follow Jeff to his room. "Do you think Ben would remember me?" I ask him curiously.

"Well I did after we had sex," Jeff says casually. I blush and smack him. "What? I'm just suggesting that maybe you need to have sex with everyone."

"And how do I do that? They can barely stand me." I grumble and get in the bed.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out. You're smart, Y/N." Jeff says sweetly to me. His face was his human one. It's hard to believe how much I influence their powers. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing. You're right, I'll figure this out." I say to him as we get in bed.

The next few days, I tried to figure out how to get close to the other Creepypastas. It's hard, they freeze me out. Most of the time, I get yelled at. I decided to start on Ben. Even though he admits we're soulmates, he seems distant. He doesn't try to touch me or be near me. I feel like it'll be easier if he would just let me in.

These few days, the Creepypastas just let me do my own thing. They don't hurt me or anything. They just ignore me. I don't know how I feel about that but it's better than being chained up and being hit by them.

Right now, I'm in the living room. I'm playing some random movie but I'm not paying attention. I'm busy looking at Masky and Hoodie. They're over by the kitchen talking quietly.

I feel like they're talking about me. They keep glancing over at me. I frown and sigh. I focused on the T.V. Things were so much simpler. I feel like it's my fault.

I head over to them, curiosity eating at me. "Are you guys leaving?" I ask them, they turn to face me.

I can't tell if they're glaring at me or not. "Maybe. What's it to you?" Masky asks sharply.

"Don't be like that," I mumble to them.

"Speak louder, don't mumble," Masky says, he sounds like he's fed up.

I frown as I feel a memory of when we were in the locker room. I remember feeling so attracted to him. I wanted him so bad and the way he talked to me then was similar to now. Maybe he does remember.

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