Minho peeked inside, noticing how there was nothing inside the van. "Is someone robbing my house?" he murmured, before a terrible thought hit him. His cats! Were they okay?

He bust open his front door, his eyes adjusting to the dark room that was slightly illuminated. It was way too quiet. Something was up. "What the fuck?" he muttered noticing the silhouette of a table, before the lights abruptly turned on and 7 familiar voices screamed, 



"Shit, he's coming!" Seungmin yelled, playing the role of the watcher. Everyone fought to look through the window, seeing the young chef drive up to his house in his scooter. 

"GET INTO POSITION!" Chan screamed, and everyone scrambled around to make sure everything was ready. Felix adjusted the cake on the foldable wooden table that Jeongin brought using his mom's black minivan, Hyunjin tied the last ribbon on the wrapped shoebox, and Changbin used his tallness to tape the last decoration on the ceiling. 

"HE'S COMINGG!" Jisung screamed. Seungmin turned off the lights and everyone dove for cover as if the house was being bombed or something. "You, stay quiet." Hyunjin ordered, glaring at what he was pretty sure was Soonie. 

The room was dead silent when the door busted open. Minho looked around, looking alert. He squinted, looking confused and slightly angry.

 "What the fuck?" 


Seungmin flipped on the lights, and everyone jumped from their hiding spots. Minho screamed with shock and threw a random punch at the air, before noticing everyone. 

A smile grew across his face as realization hit him. 

"Oh...wow. I had no idea." Minho said, his eyes wide. Jisung threw an arm around Minho's shoulders, and Minho didn't seem to mind. 

"Well, that's why it's called a surprise." Changbin said smugly, a grin on his face. "Wellll..." Chan said, but Changbin elbowed him. 

"It was Jisung who planned all this." Felix said brightly, and Hyunjin nodded in agreement from next to him. 

Minho turned to Jisung, surprise on written all over his face. "Really?" Minho asked, and Jisung nodded vigorously. To everyone's surprise and excitement, Minho immediately pulled Jisung into a hug. Felix and Jeongin screamed excitedly. 

"Let us in there!" Chan said, hugging Minho as well, and everyone followed Chan's lead. Everyone jumped into the group hug, with Minho in the center. "Seriously, thank you guys for this. But seriously, did you have to kick me out of the chat?" Minho joked, and everyone laughed apologetically.

For some strange reason, Minho felt a strange feeling in his chest, and it was similar to the feeling that he had when Hyunjin told him that he thought of him as a big brother. Now, he had that feeling again while being stuck in a loving group hug surrounded by his favorite idiots, which are more commonly thought of by his best friends.

It was happiness. Minho felt happy.

The feeling grew stronger, and Minho felt his eyes get all itchy. 

Oh shit. Hell nah. he thought I never cry. Minho never cries.

Well, this time, he did. And he didn't try stopping it. 



Btw, here's a cat reveal bc why not. You may remember her as the cat who ran into a wall back in the chapter "minho's pussies"

 You may remember her as the cat who ran into a wall back in the chapter "minho's pussies"

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

She's so dumb, but I love her

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

She's so dumb, but I love her. 1 cat down, two to go >:)

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