<<EML launch!>>


From the incoming aircrafts,hundreds of missiles fly to the Okinawa defender,many of them was immediately vaporized by the EML shockwave,some shells even destroy the enemy aircrafts,the rest was deal with intercepting missiles.The Chinese air fleet break into many groups and continue to fly to the base,continue to pose as a significant threat.

<<Mobius,Trigger,escort me,heading 000>>

Cipher charged his aircraft into the swarm of enemy,slice through their formation,killing 6 aircrafts in one run.Meanwhile,Mobius and Trigger follow him,shot down any fighter dare to approach.The rest of the squadron split into two,hunt down aircrafts like shooting birds.They met little to no resistance from the enemy.But the American was not so lucky,they have got a dozen of casualties,despite downing a large number of enemy.

<<Caution,200 fast mover bearing 090,from sixty-one Angel 4,300 vs 80,how fair is this fight,isn't it>>-the American operator sarcasm-<<Diplomat calling Ronald Reagan,we need more support>>

<<There is more?>>

The Chinese fighter keep coming in,depleting the joint force ammo storage,Cipher has reached the peak of his anger,he flips his aircraft and fire a EML shell,instantly destroying 3 aircrafts in the line,but it also made him vulnerable to the enemy,his aircraft is out of ammunition.

<<Winchester,Bingo,permission to land>>

Right when Cipher left,the sky is refilled again with enemy fire.J-16s,J-20s trying to attack the runway and the facility,while being constantly shot down by the American jets.The crashing aircraft fortunately fall into the sea,leaving the base undamaged.Meanwhile,Trigger and Mobius having their fun.

<<Take a bet?Who shot down less plane must pay dinner for the winner,each fighter equal 100 zollar>>-Mobius joking to her wingman

<<Alright,I want to have mushroom stew tonight>>-Trigger turns his plane backward,blow up a jet coming behind.Mobius soon join the game,lit a whole formation on fire by QAAM.The kill count of both get higher and higher each minutes pass.They fly in the circle,parallel to each other,break the enemy squadrons with lightning speed and gun fire,leave a flame behind,like a pair of dancing fires.

<<The Blue Ribbon and Three Strike are killing fast,follow their lead>>

The remaining plane of the joint force reformation by the side of the duos,they cut the enemy by half and begin the slaughter.J-16 were mercilessly set in fire,even J-20 is no better,the plane rain down the sea in many pieces,all was done by American.Meanwhile,tired and exhausted,Trigger and Mobius just let their planes cruise the wind,watching the sky turn from white foam to orange flash.They both laugh like new highschooler,completely forget the pilots they just shot down earlier:

<<Hahahaha,a draw,I wish I have one more bullet>>-Trigger check his aircraft's gun,the screen count zero

<<Yeah,until next time,my back is already hurt,gotta go to the spa soon>>

<<AWACS Long Caster call all aircrafts,they are retreating!Weapon free,shot down as many as possible>>

<<Negative,our ammunition is low,we should land>>-Blaze protested his decision,while trying to save his bullets when flying behind a J-16.

<<Me too,cease fire,our force have depleted on missiles>>-Mobius noticed that most of her wingmen stopped to fire.-"Further attack could bring more damage to our defense force>>

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