I shoved my suspicions aside and put my car in park, grabbing the bag filled with sweets and lifted my hoodie up as the rain soaked me in mere seconds.

As I approached Max's car, I could clearly see him and... Kelly.

They were talking but I couldn't hear what they were talking about. Slowly, I tiptoed near them in hopes of hearing what they were talking about but instead I found myself walking towards something I wished I had never seen.

Max and Kelly were kissing.

Max's suddenly opened his eyes and abruptly pushed Kelly off him the moment his eyes landed on me.

I ignored the way I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces, "No, please continue. I'm sorry for interrupting." My voice wavered, I threw the bag of sweets into a nearby bin and quickly turned my back to them, speed-walking back to my car despite Max's countless attempts at calling for me.

"Elyse! Please wait, I swear this isn't what it looks like—" He pleaded.

"Oh, it is." Kelly butted in.

"Fuck you, Kelly." I heard him say, then his footsteps grew louder and nearer. "Ly, please hear me out." He grabbed me from the wrist.

"Don't fucking call me that." I snatched my wrist out if his grasp, "I can't believe I actually thought it was a good idea to come here. Clearly you've found ways to keep yourself busy."

"Ly— Elyse, I promise what you saw isn't the full story." He sounded desperate, but I couldn't find it in me to believe him. "Please come with me and we'll talk upstairs."

I gave it a thought, "That won't be necessary. I saw what I saw, the fact that you were even talking to her in the first place is enough. I hope she was worth it."

I started to get into my car but he stopped me from closing the door. He looked at me, his hair dripping, mixing rain water with his tears.

"Please stay. I beg you." He held onto my hand, squeezing it.

Simply looking at him made my heart break all over again, "Give me a reason to. Give me one reason why I should stay and listen to whatever shitty explanation you have prepared for me, Max." Even saying his name pained me.

"Because—" His voice trembled as he gathered his words, "Because I love you."

I felt my eyes twitch, a tear escaping my eyes.

"Not good enough."

I pulled my hand out of his, shutting the door and reversing out of the parking lot. The image of him standing there, hopelessly defeated, shrunk the further I got away. I was glad I couldn't see him in the mirrors anymore the moment Kelly's arms slithered around him, pulling him into a hug.

And he didn't even try to pull her off.

He just stood in his place.

Only the sound of the rain clashing against the window and my sobbing filled the silence. I turned on the radio, hoping to distract myself from the throbbing pain that spread itself throughout my body.

The first song the radio had to be playing was 'K.' by Cigarettes After Sex. I aggressively rushed to shut the radio and slammed on the steering wheel repeatedly as tears escaped like a waterfall.

I didn't believe the books when they described how heartbreak feels. But now I do. I know how it feels. Though I couldn't help but wonder.

How indescribably painful and agonizing it felt to have the one person you loved in ways you've never even loved yourself, betray you like that? How can someone be so full of love and heartbreak in the same time? How is it that the person that made my soul feel whole and alive be the same person to tear it apart?

I kept replaying the way he gaped at me while holding onto me, begging me to stay as tears flooded his eyes and I couldn't help but hope. Hope that he truly meant what he said and that there really was a logical explanation to why he was kissing his ex girlfriend in the rain. But then the logical side of my brain reminded me.

Hope. Such a foolish thing. There was no such thing as hope— it was non-existent, useless.

It was a concept my mother taught me, but I was starting to doubt it. Despite how much my heart hoped I would be wrong.

I hoped my mother would stay alive, but that didn't happen. I hoped I would have a good season, but that didn't happen. I hoped I would stay at Mercedes', but that didn't happen. There was no point in hoping.

I should've seen it coming. I should've known. He cheated on his girlfriend with me, so what would stop him from doing the same to me? Once a cheater always a cheater, right? Just like how he once told me once an addict always an addict, but he was wrong. I wished I would've listened to Carlos, and I hated myself for pushing him away like that. All for what? All for someone who first pursued me in order to win?

I was right all along, he was malicious. He has always been malicious, since the day I met him and I was a fucking fool for ever believing he could be something else.

With tears flooding my eyes, I booked the first flight to Maranello. And within two hours, I made it. I ordered an Uber and knocked on the door.

When it opened, it revealed a confused looking Carlos. It took everything not to breakdown crying right then and there.

"Ellie? What are you doing here at 3 in the morning?" He asked.

I couldn't keep it in anymore as my voice broke and the tears started to fall.

"I just really need my best-friend right now."

u guys have been happy for too long, u should've expected it tehe ;)

ANYWAYSS!!! i just posted the first chapter of my new charles fic, so if u are interested it would mean the world to me if u checked it out <33 i love u all sososo much 🤍

malicious | max verstappenWhere stories live. Discover now