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Ever since the day at the grocery store, me and Chris had grown increasingly closer.

Everybody noticed but said nothing, all choosing to ignore the growing comments about our relationship. "Are they dating?" was a common one we would see, but we would never say anything and just scrolled past it, ignoring their curiosity.

It had only been a day since then - and yet me and Chris had somehow bonded immensely. We both now knew that we had some sort of feelings for each other, so we spent every moment we could together.


I pulled my earphone out of my ear, Chris pulling his one out, too. We had decided to walk ahead of everybody and share my AirPods to listen to music.

"You missed the turn, we're going here," said Alyssa. A knowing smile dawned on her face as she saw me blush.

Ignoring the look she gave me, I began to walk back, taking the left turn that we were supposed to take. We were going to an amusement park. Normally I would be on google maps duty, but Alyssa insisted on doing it - saying something about how I needed to spend more time with Chris alone.

To be fair, it did work.

Chris jogged up behind me, catching up in an instant. We walked in and bought our day passes, going through the barriers and onto the amusement park grounds.

After getting our wristbands, Chris practically sprinted to the first rollercoaster he saw. Nick and Matt ran after him.

"You coming?" shouted Chris over his shoulder.

I shook my head. "Be there soon."

As I walked after them, I felt Madi and Alyssa appear on both sides of me.

"So...?" said Madi.

"So..." I replied, not wanting to give in to their teasing.

"Come on! You haven't told us anything. You just randomly show up to the house all giddy after your grocery trip, and now you guys are, like, best friends," she ranted.

Alyssa nodded. "You guys are fully snuggling up to each other and listening to music," said Alyssa.

I took a deep breath, trying not to get my emotions take hold. I knew if I started talking now I would ramble and get excited like an idiot. This probably meant nothing - I'm sure he called lots of girls pretty. It was only a compliment, after all - there was no need to get my hopes up.

"Yeah I mean - ugh," I groaned into my hands as I dropped my face into them. Why was it so awkward explaining this to them?

"He kind of called me beautiful when we were taking pictures at the store," I said, voice muffled by my palms.

I could hear the giddy screams of the girls beside me as they jumped up and down, grabbing me by the arms.

Madi pushed me forward gently, urging me to go on the roller coaster that the triplets just ran to.

"What are you waiting for? Go get him girl!"

I simply rolled my eyes as I made my way to the queue. There wasn't as many people as I thought there would be, so I found the boys pretty quickly. Nick and Matt gave me a smile as they waved - but Chris decided to give me butterflies by slinging an arm around my shoulder.

"Finally decided to join us?" he said.

I thanked God it was sunny outside or else my red face could've been mistaken for a blush. Which, to be fair, it was.

Nick and Matt gave each other a look before moving swiftly on and continuing a conversation between us all.

When it was time to get strapped into the ride, Chris wasted no time before he plopped down next to me, pulling the bar over his waist and sitting patiently. The sun shone against his backwards cap, causing his hair to look brighter than usual.

𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐁𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ➸ (ᴄ.sᴛᴜʀɴɪᴏʟᴏ) Where stories live. Discover now