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The rest of the day was filled with me and Alyssa showing the group around. Honestly, there wasn't much to do since the weather was less than ideal, but I promised them a tour, so a tour I gave.

We decided to buy snacks and head up to the hill top for a picnic, Nick and Madi snapping pictures of us every once in a while. It was nice to hang out with new people.

"Hey do you mind if I post you guys on my instagram? I have nothing else to post," asked Madi as she scrolled through her pictures.

"Of course not," answered Alyssa, and I nodded my head in agreement.

I wasn't sure how people would react, considering nobody knows who we are. Yet I figured that if Madi was okay with it, so was I.

Reaching the top of the hill, we all collapsed onto the grass, huffing. The walk up was borderline treacherous and exhausting, but the view was so worth it. I sat up after catching my breath and looked out onto the ocean. The crisp breeze ruffled through my hair, and the waves seemed to clash simultaneously with the gusts of wind.

"It's nice up here," said a voice from behind me. I hummed in agreement upon noticing it was Chris.

He moved to sit beside me, taking in the view. His hat was long removed from his head and instead, his brown locks swirled around in the wind. I never noticed how long his was until now.

"Your hair's almost as long as mine," I said playfully, tapping his shoulder with my own.

Chris made a face at me, feigning annoyance. When he looked back towards the water, he had a strange look on his face.

"Hey - thanks for bringing us out today. You know you didn't have to do all that," he said.

I thought about my answer for a moment. I really did enjoy their company, and I agreed to show them around purely out of that reason - I really hoped he didn't think I had some ulterior motive for doing this. Especially since Alyssa was already a fan of them.

"Yeah," I started, staring up at the sky. "I know it's stressful being somewhere you're unfamiliar with, so I'm happy to help."

Chris nodded before looking off to the side where Nick and Alyssa were laughing at something on her phone. Behind us, Matt and Madi were setting up the food.

"You guys have the weirdest snacks down here," said Matt as he held up a chocolate brand, eyeing it up.

I thought back to the day in the pub, remembering his strange beverage order. I scoff at the memory.

"Yeah you're one to talk. You Americans drink root beer - like what even is that?"

He furrowed his brows, looking at me incredulously. "The best drink ever. Don't knock it 'til you try it, kid."

Rolling my eyes, I inched forward and grabbed a bag of chips, ripping it open immediately. Nick and Alyssa joined us soon after, and the conversation began ebbing and flowing; some parts were filled with an oddly comfortable silence as we reveled in the sounds of the beach below us. I was starting to really enjoy having them around.

- - -

"Alright, it's getting late. We should head back to the hotel," said Nick.

We all nodded in agreement despite not wanting to actually leave. I wondered if we would hang out again. Alyssa must have been thinking the same because as soon as we all stood up she began to speak.

"We could bring you guys to the Titanic museum if you want! It's kind of far and we'd have to book tickets but it's really worth a visit while you're here," she rambled, probably hoping for a positive response.

𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐁𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ➸ (ᴄ.sᴛᴜʀɴɪᴏʟᴏ) Where stories live. Discover now