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Soooo... hey, lovelies! Wattpad decided to ban my OneArtsyGamer03 account... which is so great am I right


It's fine! Totally fine. Right now, I'm just focusing on republishing all my old stories. They will be left unedited, as I'm going to be publishing new, fresh versions of these stories anyway so there's not really any point in editing these ones. I just wanna get them back up for you all to find.

That being said, I will not be editing anything or fixing anything in these old stories since I'm writing up new better versions of these anyway! So I'm just gonna be copying and pasting the chapters, leaving in all author notes and everything. <3

Also! I'm also going to be copying this message into all my old stories so if you see it again that's why

Without further delay, welcome home, lovelies.



Third Person P.O.V


A man floats, his body submerged in icy water. Around him was nothing but darkness, the Moon's glow shining from above.

That's the first thing I remember. It was dark... and it was cold. And I was scared...

The man's eyes open, his eyes a brilliant baby blue.

Then I saw the Moon.

The ice crackles as the Moon commands it, bending to his will.

It was so big and it was so bright. It seemed to chase the darkness away.

Jack gasps as he was raised from the water, his breath visible with each panting breath he breathed out. He blinked rapidly as he stared up at the large Moon in the sky.

And when it did... I wasn't scared anymore.

His body relaxed as he was gently lowered from the air onto his bare feet, the ice below him mending back together.

Why I was there and what I was meant to do... that I've never known.

Jack looks down at his hands in confusion and wonder before looking over his outfit.

And a part of me wonders if I ever will.

He looks up at the Moon for an answer but received none. He yelps and chuckles as he slips, catching himself before he could fall.

Jack walks forward a few steps, gasping lightly as his foot taps a wooden object. He looks down at the shepherd's staff, tapping it with his foot once more.

Frost gathers where he touched, making him narrow his eyes in confusion before he leans down and grabs it.

He jolts back in alarm as it lights up, dropping it on one side and making it release a beautiful frost pattern along the ice as the end of the staff touches it.

He looks down at the staff with a grin, and quickly decides to experiment. Jack slowly taps one of the trees with the end of the staff, making it frost over as he gently touches it with another smile. He does the same to another tree, biting his lip before grinning and bouncing with a laugh of excitement.

Jack runs across the ice, dragging his staff behind him to create a beautiful frost. He grunts and laughs as he almost slips again, catching himself as he continues to run. He twirls around as he runs, waving his staff around eagerly.

He pauses and slips back, gasping and exclaiming in fear as he was suddenly raised into the air. He balances on the wind, smiling and looking down at his patterns he made. The wind whistles before disappearing, making him yelp as he begins to fall.

Jack grunts as he crashes through the trees, landing roughly on a large branch. He grins and chuckles, sitting up and standing on the branch as he notices a town.


He yells as the wind carries him, flailing around as the wind lowers him, and he falls onto his face.

Jack yelps as he staggers to his feet with a laugh, flipping his cape back over his head. He dusts some frost from his cape before greeting some folk, not knowing someone was watching him from a nearby rooftop.

Jack waves at a woman, laughing giddily as she simply walks past.

"Hello! Hello," Jack tries to greet, tilting his head in confusion as people seem to ignore him. "Good evening, ma'am. Ma'am?" His smile slowly falls as the woman ignores him, his eyebrows furrowing.

A dog barking catches his attention, his face brightening with a smile when he notices a child running his way.

"Oh! Uh, excuse me. Can you tell me where I am?" He softly asks and kneels down, gasping with horror as the child runs right through him.


A girl with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes watches in confusion before lightly gasping, rising from her spot on the rooftop as she watches the man. On her back were a set of wings and a bow, a quiver on her hip with one glowing arrow.


Jack pants softly and he rises, yelping as another person walks through him.

And another... And another.

"Hello?!" He cries out desperately with fear, hoping someone would hear him.

My name... is Jack Frost.

Jack looks around with fear, gasping as he actually bumps into someone. He quickly spins around, gripping his staff tightly as he staggers back with alarm and panic evident on his expression.

How do I know that?

"Hey, hey! It's okay," a girl that looked his age tries to calm, her hands raised in a non-threatening way. "Listen to me, I know you're scared but it'll be alright." She pauses as he looks behind him on both sides before he faces her. 

"You-- You see me!" Jack breathes out in a whisper, dropping his staff and quickly grabbing her shoulders. "Please-- tell me you see me!" He speaks desperately, lightly shaking her in his panicked state as she blinks quickly.

"I-- I see you. It's okay," (Y/N) softly reassures, looking towards the Moon. He breathes out in relief as she mumbles, "Jack... Frost."

He looks at the Moon, hearing the Moon calling him that as well.

"Okay... that's your name..." She nods, looking back at the confused man. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N), or...  'Cupid'. Um... I have a lot to explain. Please, come with me. I promise it'll be okay."

(Y/N) and the Moon told me so. But that was all he ever told me...

Jack's eyes widen as a running child rushes towards them, making him reach out to move (Y/N) out of the path of the little girl. (Y/N) raises her hand and stops Jack, smiling sadly as she watches the little girl run through her. Jack blinks rapidly at the sight, his expression falling as (Y/N) watches the little girl running away giddily with a somber look.

He looks at (Y/N) with wide eyes as wings seem to suddenly appear on her back, but he wasn't afraid. He was... in awe.

(Y/N) was the one who helped me. She was the one that led me from the dark. And I wasn't scared anymore.

(Y/N) offers her hand, making Jack anxiously look at it before looking back at her uneasy smiling face. He reaches out and slowly takes it, nodding.

She was my light. She still is my light. And we met a long, long time ago...


First Chapter!

Sooo lemme explain some stuff.

Your wings disappear and reappear at will. So they're not always on your back, only when you want them to be they are.

And you have a quiver on your hip that contains one arrow. That arrow will reappear after you use it. So it's like an arrow that never goes away.

I See You (Jack Frost x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now