Chapter 7: The Origin of Lokitty

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Loki quickly became a nuisance to every member of the Avengers except me. Not for lack of trying, to be clear, Loki was quite incessant in his pestering. I just happened to be an expert at turning pranks against their makers, of which he had very little experience dealing with. I couldn't imagine Thor ever being aware enough to simply not fall into the trap, let alone to turn it against the original prankster. Hence, Loki had no experience in counter-counterpranking, or even avoiding the counterprank. I decided to be considerate to myself and not start a full scale prank war with the god of mischief but any time he set up a prank intended for me to walk into, I found it and turned it on him. He had been pied in the face, his hair briefly dyed magic-resistant purple, had feathers super-glued on his wonderful ass, and his helmet now sported a permanent red nose—that one was curtesy of Tony. Eventually, after only about three days really, he came crawling to me for a truce and I made us each a coffee while he begged me to spare him the counter pranks.

I, of course, quite enjoyed having a god beg me for mercy. After all, he'd fallen right into my plan. I could be impulsive at times but my brain was also its own kind of supercomputer. It also helped that Loki's personality was exactly the same here as it was in my universe, so it made him far easier to read and deal with than some of his other variants, some of which I'd met.

"If you want my forgiveness and mercy then I have a demand. Let's call it a deal, so to speak."

He gulped, nervous, "what is it?" Gods making deals was a serious thing, binding both parties until the contract is dissolved by the invoker. In this case, me. It was very rare for mortals to be the invoker in a contract with a god but whoever was the invoker had the power in the contract so long as the conditions were fulfilled by the contractee. Some were very simple exchanges, such as Odin giving up an eye for knowledge and power, while others were more complex, such as a master servant contract which could be limited or not based entirely on the agreed upon terms of the invoker and the contractee. Loki was my contractee, which did not happen often for a god, so he had every right to be nervous, even if it was over something as silly as a prank truce.

Naturally, I couldn't make him be my servant over something so small or else he wouldn't agree to the contract—I couldn't imagine Loki as a servant anyway—but I had more or less planned for this outcome. He was probably expecting something epic, but I smiled at him knowingly and figuratively pounced. "I want you to transfigure yourself into a cat whenever Fury, you, and myself are in the same room, hop on my lap, and make a scratching motion towards him." He looked at me as if I'd gone mad, and that coming from the god of mischief, who was apparently pretty insane for a while, was saying something.

"I am literally a god, I could get you magical artifacts to extend your life, or war trophies from famous mythical creatures, or even command an army to take over a planet." I raised an eyebrow at that last one, it hadn't gone over so well the first time so why would he want to try for a second. "Why would you want such a random and lowly thing from a literal god?"

I shrugged nonchalantly, smile on my lips, "that's for me to know and for you to wonder at eternally . . . and I like cats." Knowing I would need something that interested him to draw him in, I added, "But if you can guess the reason behind it, I'll tell you everything, and yes, I'll add that to the deal." Well, apparently what they say about cats and curiosity in this world did have some sort of merit.

Before he had the chance to think better of it, he said, "deal." There was a flash of light, signifying the bargain was struck. I heard a couple crows cawing outside, apparently Odin was watching and taking careful note of this deal. But I didn't care, this officially meant that I could terrify Fury with—I mean introduce Loki to Fury as a cat and drop a couple more hints. This was but the first step in making Loki my cat by choice. And who knows, maybe if I dropped enough hints they would go easier on me when I was eventually revealed.

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