Chapter 4: You Didn't See That Coming?

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I couldn't believe what had just happened, I was actually employed by the Avengers. It's not like I didn't know what I was getting myself into, but maybe I didn't think it all the way through. Trying to keep speed from them the likes of which never seen before in this world would be difficult, even more so now that I was moving in. Yeah, that wasn't my proudest impulse decision, but I was trying to look at the silver lining, which was basically having no bills curtesy of Tony, whilst also getting paid for doing less work. I sounded like a mooching freeloader, and honestly it made me feel a bit guilty. I'd have to find a way to make myself useful enough to be deserving of such treatment to get this elephant off my shoulders. Logically speaking, I knew they would find out about my origins and my speed eventually, it was inevitable, but I had no idea how they would react so I couldn't just tell them right off the bat. They probably wouldn't believe me anyway, toss me in a looney bin for enhanced if I said I was from another universe without proof.

I chuckled to myself, finding the thought amusing, as FRIDAY dropped me off outside my apartment. "Would you like a ride tomorrow?" FRIDAY asked.

"No thanks, FRIDAY, I could use the cardio." I joked as I got out of the car. "See you bright and early!" I waved at the car, uncertain if FRIDAY could see it or not but it felt right. I always waved goodbye to CASS in my world, why should I do different here?

I had built up quite a lot of nervous energy on the ride back into the city and I felt the need to go running. I located a blind spot in the network of surveillance cameras and activated my suit, I really didn't feel like replacing singed clothing, and burnt shoes were kinda difficult to explain.

Grinning, I set a playlist that had been especially sped up just for me, and took off, a sonic boom sounding after my sudden takeoff. In five minutes, I had stopped the robbery of an armored truck, put out a building fire (by smothering the flames), and stopped for coffee at a big chain cafe. A little girl stopped me while I was waiting in the pickup line and asked, "are you an Avenger?"

She looked so hopeful, it almost made me regret crushing her dreams, almost. I snorted my laughter and smirked down at her, "now why would I want to be an Avenger?"

"Because they're the best-est ever in the whole world and they stop bad guys!" The girl flashed a smile with a hole where her front two teeth should be.

"But can the Avengers do this?" I had gotten tired of waiting in line, so I did the unthinkable; I went behind another barista's bar space! I know, such blasphemy, may the coffee gods strike me down where I stand! Needless to say, I sped along their production . . . not of everyone else's stuff, just mine. They can work for a living.

I reappeared carrying my drink and donut and the little girl gasped at me. "You just cut the line!"

"Yeah? So what?" I took a long drink from the straw in my iced white mocha and looked at her expectantly, waiting for an answer that was worth my while.

"That's not very nice!" She pouted.

I snorted, "I never said I was nice, and now you know why I'm not an Avenger." A mischievous thought occurred to me, and I turned back to the little child to voice it, devilish smirk in place, "say what, I'll apologize if you can beat me to the door." I raised an eyebrow in mock challenge. Was I picking on a small child? Yes. Did I care? No. And why might that be? She asked me if I was an Avenger. I might have been a little insulted . . . and more than a little petty.

"Like a race?"

"Yeah, like a race, I'll even give you a head start." She started running, I gave her three seconds, then I zipped to the door, turned back to give her a finger wave, and zoomed off at full speed. I think I vaguely heard something about cheating being shouted behind me. Meh, I had never been much for playing fair anyway.

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