Chapter 17 - Always in our hearts

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"I was just about to go for a walk there, you may join me if you wish" said Sophie as she rose from her vanity table and took hold of his proffered elbow. Jacob would have loved to entwine his fingers with hers, and kiss her hand, but he knew acting as a formal escort was all Sophie would allow.

Sheltered by purple jacaranda trees and rambling roses forming scented arbours, Luna Sophie's garden beautifully showcased over 100 rose varieties. Where traditional rose gardens were often formal in style, her design was less rigid, with meandering flowerbeds and pathways set amongst trees and ponds. This pretty, perfumed park tucked away in the pack grounds, offered a peaceful experience. She had begun creating it 20 years ago, as a memorial to her lost pup.

As they walked the garden, Sophie cut various blooms with her secateurs and placed them in her wooden garden trug. Eventually they came to the centre of the garden that held 3 spherical concrete orbs, stunningly polished and glazed in different colours, making them appear almost as though they were carved from marble. The sculptures were designed and made by her niece Lily. The 3 orbs were in different sizes, large, medium, and small, they represented the Alpha, Luna and their lost pup. The spherical shape paid homage to the sacred full moon, and blessings from the moon goddess.

Kneeling down amongst the sculptures, Sophie gathered her cut blooms and arranged them in a bouquet. Sophie placed the beautiful arrangement in a vase that was set next to a memorial plague, positioned in front of the sculptures. The plaque read: "Caspian Roberts, beloved son of Alpha Jacob and Luna Sophie, Always in our hearts and remembered every day". Underneath the caption listed the date of his birth and death, which was the same day, 20 years ago. Alpha Roberts eyes widened when he looked at the date, he had forgotten today was Caspian's birthday.

"Our son is 20 today, I hope he is enjoying his day, wherever he is" lamented Sophie. She always talked about Caspian in present tense, as though he never died in childbirth.

"My darling Sophie, you know our son is with the moon goddess now. He is at peace with her".

Sophie turned to look up at her mate and pinned him with a glare.

"Don't lie to me! I know he is alive; I can feel it. A mother's bond can not be broken with her pup. I can still feel him, even after all this time".

"Sophie, we have been over this many times, he died in childbirth. You don't remember because you passed out, just after giving birth. You went into labour prematurely, due to all the stress of being captured by the CBC, and he was just too small and weak to survive. He only lived for a few hours, before his heart gave out".

"Then why did I never see his body? Why was I never able to hold my pup and say goodbye? And why do I still feel the pull of my pup's bond? I don't believe you!" Sophie sobbed.

Jacob had already explained to her the CBC seized the pup's body before Sophie awoke, and had it quickly cremated to erase all evidence. They returned them only a small wooden box of ashes, which now lay buried beneath the plague she just laid flowers next to. The fact she never got to hold her pup and say goodbye, meant she never had closure, and that must be why she claims to feel the bond, it was all in her mind.

"We could always try again. I've begged you all these years to try, and we still can. We're only 38 and still fertile, many couples of are having children later now. We have the additional benefit of having Alpha and Luna DNA, we would most certainly conceive again" pleaded Jacob as he knelt down next to his mate, grabbing her hand in his and kissing it desperately. He would do anything to take his mate's pain away.

Sophie pulled her hand away from his, as though it burned her. She stood up and strode away from him, and then turned with such a look of despair and anger.

"I would never consent to having another child with you when you sold our son to the CBC. You are right I don't remember what happened, but I'm not stupid Jacob. I know why our pack is so rich and why we collect so much blood. You are selling werewolf blood off to CBC like some drug lord! Everybody thinks you are a hero for being the only Alpha to successfully rescue his Luna, but I know what price you paid – you exchanged me for our son!"

The Alpha, still on his knees looking up at his mate, with such longing.

"Tell me Sophie what I can do? I will do anything to make things right between us. I would give you the world!" He begged.

"I don't want the world! I want Caspian! I want to go back in time 20 years and have my son back. Unless by some miracle you can do that, then there is nothing you can give me".

With tears streaming down her face, Sophie ran out of her rose garden. She wanted to get as far away from her mate as possible. The only reason she stayed all these years, was the hope that she would somehow get her son back. After the first 10 years, she realised that was never going to happen. Not when Jacob was in partnership with the CBC.

She started making plans to run away from Silver Moon, but then her sister, Lily's mother, was abducted by the CBC. She had begged Jacob to intervene and get her sister back. To the credit of Jacob, he did try to help retrieve his mate's sister. Lily's parents were from a small pack, and Jacob donated all the money to help fund the rescue. He is also provided some valuable intel to rescue Sophie's sister. They almost got her out, but during the rescue a fire broke out and they both perished.

Sophie was wracked with guilt over it and slipped into depression having lost her son, and now her sister. She spent the next couple of years in a depressed fog, not wanting to see or speak to anybody. Sophie spent hours and hours tending to her rose garden, the only thing that gave her any peace. Then she got word that Lily was being passed around from pack to pack, an unwanted orphan. Sophie immediately sent word for Lily to come live with her. Sweet Lily breathed new life into Sophie, she was like the daughter she never had. She felt as though it was a gift from the moon goddess, a sign telling her not to give up.  If it hadn't been for Lily, she would have left Jacob years ago.

Alpha Jacob Roberts stood up as he watched his mate run away from him.  This could not go on, it was time to make his move.  He knew what he needed to get his mate back.  It was time to make a call to the CBC.

We finally meet Luna Sophie, Lily's aunt, what do you think?  Please follow me, vote and leave comments - I appreciate you support :)

The Blue Blood AlphaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin