The Finale

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                                         *Connor's POV*

We all walked down the tunnel and saw James, Nathen, Luka, Mia, Jayden, Rowan, and Kayden all standing together while behind them was a cage with Mew inside, James said '' hello again Shimmerflags! What brings you here?" I said" enough of your games James!" James said'' hmm let me think... fine I'll stop the games, but what am I stopping them for?" Luis said'' your reign of terror ends here!" James said'' oh we're getting serious, aren't we? Well, you'll be happy to know, I've been expecting you, but I didn't think you'd bring your friends! But then again, I did bring mine!" he then moved his hands as if to showcase his teammates, Victor said'' let's get this over with!" I then realized I had completely forgotten about moves that counter Nathen, Mia, Luka, Rowan, Jayden, and Kaydens types, I then backed up so the others would have room to attack. While the fight progressed in front of me I thought of what moves I should use to finish off the rest after James, Nathen was a Ghost/Poison type which would make him weak to Ghost, Dark, and Psychic type attacks, I could use bite, Luka was a Dark/Water type, so he's weak to Fighting, Electric, Fairy, Bug, and Grass type attacks, I could use Solar Beam, Thunder Punch, Submission, or Seismic Toss, Mia is a Ghost type making her weak to Dark and Ghost, so I could use bite, Jayden is a Ground/Dragon, so he's weak to Fairy, Dragon, and Ice, I'll use , Dragon Rage, Dragon Tail, Dragon Breath, or Dragon Claw, Rowan is a Rock type, making him weak to Grass, Water, Steel, Fighting, and Ground, I can use Seismic Toss, Dragon Rage, Dragon Tail, Dragon Claw, Submission, or Dig, Kayden is a Fire type like me which makes him weak to Water, Ground, and Rock, so I can use Dig against him, then I heard Luis scream, and I saw him get thrown into the wall, but he quickly recovered and ran in to attack, I also saw Victoria, Chloe, and Victor were having trouble with Nathen, Mia, Luka, Jayden, Kayden, and Rowan, Victoria was fighting Nathen and Mia, Chloe was fighting Luka and Jayden, and Victor was fighting Kayden and Rowan, I ran over to Victoria who was having the most problems due to them being Ghost, I then onto Nathen's leg, Nathen then yelped in pain and said" LET GO YOU STUPID BRAT!!!!!!" but then I saw Vitor had finished off Kayden and Rowan and quickly ran over and bit onto Mia so Victoria took the chance to run over and help Chloe, after Nathen collapsed from fainting after I bit him several times I ran over to help Luis fight James, we then cornered him against the wall while Victoria, Victor, and Chloe beat up Luka and Jayden, I said" give it up James! Your through!" James said with a sinister smile" are you sure that I"M the one who will fall?!" we then started fighting while Luis freed Mew, I then used Seismic Toss, James used Shadow Ball, I then instead of aiming a Seismic Tossed rock at James I aimed it at a loose rock which caused some other rocks to collapse onto James once the dust cleared, Luis said" we've won!!" Chloe said" yes!" everyone started cheering, then they all started walking out of the tunnel followed by Mew who kept thanking us, I turned to face James unconscious body under the rocks and smiled, I turned back around to head out, but then suddenly my body felt stiff, Chloe then said turning around after she noticed I wasn't there" Connor are you.... what are those little lights floating around you?!" Everyone else then turned around and Luis said" Connor what's happening to you?!" then Mew said" you guys completed your mission, now Connor will cease to exist." and everyone said simultaneously" WHAT?!" They all then ran over to me, and we started tearing up as we

*Luis's POV*

We all continued to hug, and I said" please don't leave Connor!" Connor said" I'll miss you guys..." then his whole body started glowing yellow and he turned into a glowing ball of light that floated up into the air and out of the dungeon, we all followed the light and as soon as it left the cave it slowly faded away, I said" no...."

The End? 

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