Strange Nightmares

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 *Chloe's POV*

I woke up and walked out to the lobby, but no one was there, I saw something green outside, so I went out to check it out. It was Luis, he was just standing there, I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder and said" hey Luis, whatcha do..." but before I could finish my sentence he pushed my hand away and said, "go away, no one wants you here." I gasped at the comment. I then said" plenty of people want me here! So, what the fuck is wrong with you!" Luis said" nothing is wrong with me, it's something wrong with you." I then pushed him, he fell on the ground and immediately got up and turned to face me, he was smiling, and then Luis said" well goodbye!" I was confused until he pushed me, but instead of landing on the ground I had fallen into a deep dark pit.

*Luis's POV*

I was sitting on a bench waiting for Connor, Chloe, and Victor to return, but they never did, I waited some more but then I got this sudden pain in the side of my head, and everything had gone black. I rewoke in, oh no, not again, I woke up in the Crystal Cave Dungeon, this time around I didn't look around me, and that was a mistake cause now there were a bunch of feral Zubats. They started attacking me, they scratched and bit, I ran away from them yet they followed, I then saw the light of day at the end of the tunnel and couldn't help smiling, but the smile didn't last very long when I noticed the tunnel was getting longer, so I quickened my pace, I was running faster than I have ever before, but then the worst thing possible happened, I tripped over a rocked, I then felt myself being mauled by Zubats,the pain soon turned to darkness.

*Victor's POV*

I noticed I was in the Hidden Forest Dungeon, I started walking around tryna find an exit, when I saw something green climb into a tree, and I also saw a bush move like something was moving inside of It. I walked over to the bush bravely and then Victoria lunged out and attacked me, I was pinned to the ground, until I flipped her to the dirt, now she was pinned, I then yelled" Victoria! Why were you even here alone in the first place!" I honestly didn't know if I was yelling at her or the world around me. Then I heard something behind me, and I said" maybe you weren't alone..." then Luis lunged from the tree behind me, I was again pinned but this time by Luis.

*Connor's POV*

I woke up, but instead of on the bed inside me and Chloe's room, I woke up in my human room at my desk where I last was before I was turned to a Charmander, I was overjoyed at the sight of my bestest friend Spencer standing in the hallway talking to Sadie, I couldn't think of what to say so I just ran over and hugged the two, Sadie said" Connor, what is this for?" I said with tears in my eyes "I missed you guys!" Spencer said obviously confused "ook." a few hours had passed, I continued to hang out with my friends, me, Travis, and Theodore were on a walk in the forest when suddenly Jirachi appeared, Jirachi said" your friends are in danger wake up!" I said" what do you mean?" Jirachi said" you're in a dream, this isn't real, and your friends are in danger." I said" how are my friends in danger?" Jirachi now starting to sound concerned" Darkrai has broken into the base and is giving every explorer fatal nightmares, and at some point, this dream will turn and kill you, but I don't know how much time the others have so we must act fast!" I said" so how do we save them?" Jirachi said" hold my hand and I will teleport the both of us into their dreams one at a time and we will have to wake them up from inside the dream." I nodded and held her hand but before we teleported, she said" but be warned we can die in one of their dreams." we then teleported to a dream that was took place in front of the base, then Jirachi started using her psychic powers to lift something out of a deep hole, then I saw Chloe get floated out of the same hole, Jirachi said" Chloe you are now safe." Chloe said" I think I have Acrophobia now." I chuckled, Jirachi said" now we go to the next person's dream and rescue them, but I do hope they aren't hurt." We then teleported to a completely different place. I said as soon as we appeared" what is this place?" Jirachi said" do you mean who's dream we are in or where the dream takes place." I said" both." Chloe said'' this place is called the Crystal Cave Dungeon, it is the most dangerous dungeon in the town." Jirachi said'' we are in Luis's dream." we started walking through the cave until we heard a blood curdling scream, then we started running, I saw Luis laying on the ground getting attacked by feral Zubats, Jirachi then psychic a boulder than hit all Zubats, me and Chloe then ran over to Luis who had bite marks all over him and he was unconscious, Chloe said" Luis! Wake up! Luis!" then his eyes opened, and he said" wha..what's going on!?" I said'' don't worry Luis, it's just a dream you'll be fine, we're just trying to save you." Then the three of us held Jirachi's hands and she teleported us into Victor's dream. When we appeared, we saw that Victor was being attacked by a feral version of Victoria and Luis, Jirachi then floated feral Luis off Victor, after that she teleported us out of our dreams, Chloe said'' thanks Jirachi!" Jirachi said'' your welcome, but if you are wondering I chased out Darkrai before I entered your dreams to rescue you." We thanked you again then she left.

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