Finding Mew

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                                         *Jirachi's POV*

Me, Celebi. Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit were all speaking about pressing matters, Azelf said" so instead of defeating all the dungeons Connor must defeat James to be able to be sent back home?" Uxie said" yes but no, he must defeat James, yes, but he will not be sent home, instead he will cease to exist." Azelf said, "Is that true Jirachi?" I said" yes, it is true, and I sadly told him a lie." Mesprit said" should we even tell him the truth?" Celebi said" no not yet." Uxie said" then when?" Celebi said" when it is time for him to disappear." We all agreed to tell him at the moment his existence ceased.

*Luis's POV*

Me and Victor were walking down a tunnel that led to the main room, we had taken a few minutes break before stepping inside the dungeon and we then heard Chloe's voice yell from behind us" Luis!! Victor! Wait!" we both turned to see Connor, Victoria, and Chloe run into the cave, I said once they caught up with us" what are you guys doing here?" Connor said" WE should be asking YOU that!" Victor said" I think we should tell them Luis." I said" but..."Victor said" listen I know you wanted to keep this secret but they're here now and we can't really tell them to leave without them becoming suspicious." I then sighed and said" I had a dream where Mew was being held captive by James and I realized Mew was giving me the recurring dreams of being in this very dungeon to tell me that they needed help and that they wanted me to save them." Connor, Chloe, and Victoria said simultaneously" oh." Connor then said" we can help you!" Chloe said" yeah but we would have to fight James! Are you sure you're ready for that Connor?" Connor said "Listen, I've gotten into a ton of fights in school and I'm sure I can handle Darkrai." "What's school?" I said as Victor said" well I'm quite sure James will have ALL his minions with him." Victoria said" yeah and can't Darkrai create nightmares?" Chloe said" yeah." Victoria said "So wouldn't it make sense if James could interfere with the dreams that Mew gave you and now knows you're coming?" I nodded and said" that's why instead of simply marching right in there we'll sneak attack them." Connor said" no I think we should just simply march in there." Victor said" why?" Connor said" because, wouldn't James expect a sneak attack? I mean he knows we're not dumb. He would expect us to sneak thinking we think we're being smart. So, we have to do the most unexpected thing to be able to catch him off guard." Victoria said" and that's why you're in the Guild." I said "Now that I think about it, Connor may be right." Victor said'' all right, we've got our plan." Chloe said'' not really, we have our plan of catching James off guard, now we need our battle plan." Connor said'' shouldn't we go outside of the dungeon to talk?" so we did, we all sat on logs as Chloe said'' all right Connor, you know more about Pokémon attacks than us." Connor said'' oh this'll be fun, alright listen up, James is a Darkrai, and Darkrais are Dark types so what we need are attack's that counter his typing, Dark types are weak to Bug, Fairy, and Fighting type attacks, Chloe you're a Squirtle, your best attack is Rapid Spin, Victor you're a Totodile, your best move is Water Pulse, Victoria you're a Snivy, your best move is Leaf Storm, Luis you're a Treecko, your best move is Drain Punch, and luckily that's a Fighting type move so it should do extra damage to James and you get energy back from it, alright, I'm a Charmander so my best move is Flare Blitz, but I do have to be careful cause that move has recoil, and it would be very bad if I did a ton of damage to James but then was killed from recoil, so I'm gonna save that for when James is almost down, now a Darkrai's best move is Shadow Ball." I said'' now that we have our battle plan, we can finally end James's reign of terror!" The four of us then started looking for the tunnel where Mew was, then we saw the torched tunnel and I said'' you all ready?" Connor said after everyone agreed'' Let's go and end this!" 

To The Dungeons (Book 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя