Episode 12-2: Himeko -Final Lesson-

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"She's right."

Leon already knew what Mei had said before, as Kiana had told him. He was able to hear Mei's real voice,

"Mei-san... Do you really hate me when I'm here?"

He asked if she really hated him, with the added question about him being present, possibly referring to him being there and listening to her honest emotions.

"No, Leon-kun!!! I-I—!!"

Mei could not hold back her emotions, crying out with her tears falling.

She tried to protest and explain herself to Leon but found herself unable to build the words to do so, as she was struggling with her guilt and the pain she had caused Leon.

"It's alright."

Kiana, who had been listening in on the exchange between Mei and Leon, now expressed slight empathy towards Leon by holding her right hand and soothing him.

Kiana tried to help Leon and alleviated some of his pain.

Leon, now facing the sad reality of the words given by Mei, started to become discouraged.

He knew that what Mei had said would be with him forever and that her words had possibly left a scar in his heart that would never disappear.

Regardless, he was still somewhat comforted by the presence of Kiana as she leaned onto him, closed her golden eyes, and held his normal left hand in a gesture of her affection.

Kiana, known for only showing her love and care for Leon when they were alone, didn't seem to mind showing affection towards him this time, despite how it was in front of Mei and the other two Valkyries.

It showed that Kiana cared more about comforting Leon in his current predicament and wasn't concerned about the image she presented with her affection towards him.

Mei, who had been stricken with guilt over the situation with Leon and her earlier words, was now frozen in shock and despair as she fell to her knees, overwhelmed by the weight and magnitude of the current situation.


"Mei-nee sama!"

Bronya and Theresa, who had now seen Mei fall to her knees, overwhelmed by guilt, came closer to comfort her and try to help her up.

Kiana, who had briefly comforted Leon, turned her attention back to Theresa and decided to show her past regarding Theresa and her accusing Leon.

"You with that big cross. You and those greedy humans are just the same!"

Kiana provoked Theresa, referring to "Greedy Human" as the Schicksal since the latter was also part of Schicksal, although she's no longer affiliated with said organization.

Theresa, still holding Mei while watching Kiana, knew that she couldn't keep up the facade any longer and that Kiana was about to reveal the truth.

Theresa, who had closed her eyes and was ready to face whatever punishment was coming, had resigned herself to her fate, not knowing what would happen next.

Kiana brought up the memories of Theresa mistreating and threatening Leon, deciding to show it to everyone, as she wanted them to simultaneously see the consequences of Theresa's actions.

Theresa, who was watching the memories that Kiana had brought up, looked upset and depressed as she struggled to deal with the truth that had just hit her.

Her blue eyes contained a sense of sadness and shame as she was reminded of her past actions toward Leon.

"What's wrong, little girl? Why are you sad? You only followed what your rules were written, right?"

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