Chapter 12

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🐹: I can't believe I have been sitting here in McDonalds from past 4 hours and no one is taking my order

😺: You do know that you have to go and order at the counter, right?

🐹: yes I do but being the world wide handsome Jin... They can make an exception

🐨: No matter who you are, where you are from, skin colour, gender identity... Get in the line

🐰: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

🐹: aren't you running your mouth too much my dear clumsy child? btw how was your date with Jackson👀

🐨: I am sitting right behind you, Seokjin hyung... I can also see someone with you

🐹: you must be seeing someone else... Enjoy your friendship hangout with Jackson byeeeeeeee

🐨: That's what I thought

🐥: Who is gonna tell him that we are all at the same place?

🐰: yes but with our respective partners🤤

😺: So, now that it is confirmed who he is dating... Jimin, Taehyung... give me the money

🐥: wait we are still in shock

🐻: at least give us a moment to digest it

😺: What's so shocking? We all were aware that he is dating Wonwoo... you two changed your opinion... Now, Money

🐻: Jimjam give him the money I will pay you afterlife

🐥: What the fuck... Pay with your own money bitch

🐻: Minmin we are soulmates...we literally shared our entire life together... From food to underwear we shared it all... And now when it came to money you are backing off from our friendship....I feel betrayed


🐥: I am still not paying... I already lost because of you

🐻: I will laminate your 15 years old purple underwear with a big hole in peepee a reminder of our unbreakable friendship that you broke for 200 Wons

🐥: You are so dramatic... Be glad that I love you enough to pay... Idiot

🐻: I love you too my Minmin my Jimjam my chimchim my soulmate now can you please pay for my food as well

🐿️: It's good thing to have a boyfriend who stays on his phone... More food for me

🐿️: Hehe

🐨: Wow someone finally confirmed

🐿️: But I didn't said who is my boyfriend... Everyone is on there phone

🐿️: 😏

🐱: but you aren't holding anyone's hand other than Jimin's

🐻: Ummm...........

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