Lockhart smirks and he says "everything going alright?" He

"Yes professor"

Draco says looking at him. Lyra's  face is emotionless even as he goes past them and when he's gone Lyra's mask falls and she turns away from Draco.

"Black are you okay?" Draco asks.

Lyra turns to him her face unmasked. She quickly forms her face into a smile and she says "fine" her voice shakes slightly and he nods once and they begin to volley spells to pass the time.

When the bell rings Lyra puts her wand into her holster and she and Draco walk together to get their things.

Lyra goes to the Gryffindor section and she sees that Draco is waiting for her by the door. "We have potions next ..." he says.

Lyra nods and she shoulders her bag and begins to follow him.

Alfie catches up to her and she bends down to give him a pet and Draco says

"he won't be allowed in the dungeons."

Lyra sighs and she spells open the door so Alfie can roam outside and then she turns to follow the Slytherin to the stairs.

They reach the classroom door before the last class is let out so they sit at one of the tables outside of the classroom. Lyra pulls out the potions book and begins to scan it. "Have you read any?" Lyra smiles. "Kreacher gave me my dads potions book they haven't changed the curriculum well at least not the potions" Draco nods and he says

"we are making pepper up today"

Lyra looks at him and sighs. "What?" "I don't like that potion" Lyra says. She takes out another book and shows him the recipe.

"You came up with that?" "You're" - he lowers his voice "you're lady Valerie?" Lyra nods once and he smiles. "You're potions are brilliant" he says after a few moments.

"Thanks." Lyra says. Professor Snape stops when he sees Draco and Lyra. His eyes rest on Lyra for a long moment and he says

"in...both of you" Draco looks at Snape oddly and Lyra puts her books back into her pack and she follows Draco inside. He goes to the front of the classroom and he leans against the desk.

"Miss Black kindly explain why found you in my rooms earlier today"

Lyra doesn't answer for a long moment and then she looks at him straight in the eyes she projects her memories to him and then she says "you brought me there sir...after professor Lockhart .." his eyes widen and he puts up a hand. He goes closer to Lyra and he says "this better not be some..scheme .."

"I assure you it's not sir." Lyra says quietly.

She crosses her arms to hide the shaking of her hand.

He takes her hand and his eyes widen when he sees how she's shaking.

"Merlin..." "he ..he tortured you?" He says sharply. Lyra looks down

"Have you told anyone?" "You knew sir would or at least I thought you did..." Lyla says.

"Lyra ...Lyra?" Lyra looks up at

"Yes sir?" She asks quietly.

He holds out a potion vial and Lyra goes to take it but her hand is jerking around and he quickly steadies it and he helps her drink it.

Lyra Black Where stories live. Discover now