Chapter 32 - The Sacrifice Play

Start from the beginning

I place my hands on Aiden's chest and close my eyes. I focus my magic on connecting with his spirit and drawing him back to this realm.

Suddenly a bright light shines and I can feel Aiden's spirit which is when I start to say a spell. I reach into the light and grab Aiden's hand, pulling him back to the physical realm. As I go to place him back into his body, I feel a burning across my body and my eyes snap open as the Enchantress stands in front of me with a sadistic grin.

"I may not be able to stop you from using my powers but I can stop taking the dark magic for you. If you want him alive, you take the consequences of being a siphon who does dark magic." She says with a cruel laugh.

I narrow my eyes at her but don't let go of Aiden's hand, "I'll deal with the consequences. Now leave me be."

The Enchantress smirks before she disappears, leaving me alone with Aiden's body.

With a surge of power, I transfer Aiden's spirit back into his body. I can feel the dark magic infecting me, but I push it aside for the moment and focus on Aiden. His body jolts as his spirit reconnects with it, and he gasps for air. I step back as he sits up, looking around in shock.

"Aiden." I say as I move in front of him, trying to get him to focus.

He blinks a few times before his gaze lands on me, "Phoebe?" he says in disbelief.

I nod my head, "Yes, it's me."

Aiden's eyes widen as he looks down at his chest, "What happened?"

I take a deep breath before responding, "You died, Aiden. But I brought you back."

Aiden looks around the room before Josh comes out from his spot by the door and pulls him into a hug, "Thank god you're okay!"

Aiden hugs him back, still in disbelief.

"Thank you," Josh says, his voice choked with emotion as he looks at me.

I step back and watch them, feeling the weight of the dark magic settling heavily upon me. The Enchantress had been right, the consequences of using her dark magic were taking a toll on me.

"We need to know what happened, Aiden?" I ask as I move and use the table to brace myself.

"There was this witch and she was humming this song before she started to use her magic to rip into me like a wolf before pulling my heart out." Aiden says as he remembers the event.

I turn to Jackson with a look, "See! Klaus had nothing to do with it. It was probably Dahlia."

Jackson nods solemnly before Hayley speaks up, "Why would she go after Aiden though?"

"Because she knew this fighting between ourselves would happen." I explain as I move but I stumble and both Klaus and Elijah are by my side in a blink of an eye.

"I am fine." I say as I steady myself.

"I don't think you are, little heretic." Klaus says as he brings my hands to my attention which are now fully black.

" Klaus says as he brings my hands to my attention which are now fully black

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The Enchantress² | N + E MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now