Yup, she's doing the most perfect cross overs.


"You little liar." I chirp while joining her.

"What do you mean?" She shrugs, continuing to speed across the surface with the cutest smile tugging at her glossy lips.

Also my helmet on her... Hot.

Unbelievably. Undeniably. Hot.

"Were you a figure skater before you know- the accident? Because you know how to skate." I pause, watching her skate edge deep into the ice. "Damn well."

"Ha!" She snorts shrugging. "Figure skating? If I was, I would have done some spins by now wouldn't I?"


"My dad taught me how to skate."

"Your dad knows how to skate then. Does he know how to net a puck?" I nod towards the goal I set up earlier.

"Does he? Maybe?"


Okay, she's trying to keep this interesting.

"Alright, show me what you got baby girl." I tease her, her face literally blank for a moment, her cheeks so beautifully red now.

"I got nothing actually." She skates over to me, pushing her stick into my chest. I refuse to believe she didn't even try, someone who can skate like that, must know how to slap a puck. "Teach me."

"Seriously?" I cock her a defiant brow.

"I'm not going to ask again."

I quickly keep my mouth shut and whisk my arm around her waist to draw her into my chest as I position the stick into her hand, the correct way. "Just swing it." I tell her playfully before softly tapping her helmet. "Who cares about technique, you're here to blow off some steam."

Her heads twist back, looking over her shoulder with a smirk that tempts me to haul that helmet off her head and sacrifice my soul for the greater good.

God almighty!

She slaps the puck right into the right corner of the net and now I'm almost on my knees begging this girl to marry me. "No Shit!" I'm just standing there, astound. In total awe with that beauty of a clapper. "Again." I tell her while pushing a puck towards her with my stick and then she does something other than win over my heart. She completely melts me with a damn TDR, that puck hitting going bar down. "Holy fuck."

"Did I do it the wrong way? It went into the net, no? doesn't it count when it hits the crossbar."

Does it?

The wrong effing way?

"Babe, you did not just do a perfect TDR. Impossible." I'm still looking at her like I just saw a ghost. Well, Sidney Crosby in the flesh, if he wasn't still alive and breathing.

"A what?" She turns to me, frowning. Like a deer in headlights and it's stinking cute.

"Do it again, and I'll explain." I shove another puck her way and she does do it again, this one even more powerful, only this one flies into the boards. Thank God it does, I was starting to think she was the incarnation of some hockey legend. "Toe. Drag. Release. TDR. It's a shooting technique." I explain while pushing off my glove and throwing a confused hand through my hair. "You just delivered it perfectly. Holy fuck eh." I'm laughing now, still overcome with surprise. "How?"

A light shrug moves her shoulders while she turns to me, grabbing another puck before slamming that one onto the boards again. Thank god, she's human. "I don't know. Beginners luck?"

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