Blaise Zambini

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Blaise reacts to you getting hit on by another guy

You were at another Slytherin party and you separated from Blaise because he had to drink but while you were at the other end of the bar away from Blaise some random Hufflepuff started flirting with you.

Blaise saw this and excused himself from his conversation and walked over to you and the guy.

Blaise- "hey can I get you a drink?"

G/n (guys name)- "yeah. I'll take a fire whiskey and whatever this pretty lady wants."

Blaise- "sure thing"

Blaise went to go get the drinks and came back to the guy touching you everywhere, and Blaise could tell you were starting to get uncomfortable.

Blaise- "here babe. And here you go sir"

G/n- "babe? I don't think so she seems to enjoy my touch. Isn't that right?"

He stroked your cheek and you gave Blaise a pleading look.

You- "can you stop touching me please?"

G/n- "awh come on I know you like it"

He said that as he started to turn your chin to look at him. With that action blaise had enough and when to where you and the guy were.

Blaise- "she said stop"

He puts his arm around your waist and death stares at the guy.

G/n- "oh yeah? Well last time I checked women don't have a say in this so I'll keep doing what I want. If you have a problem just say it. I'll have fun beating your ass."

Blaise- "I do have a problem. I don't like you touching on MY girlfriend."

That caught people's attention. Tom and Theo came over to just watch out and make sure nothing bad happens. Draco and Mattheo just stand watching.

G/n- "yeah? We'll come on show me you're angry."

With those words Blaise tried to lonch a punch but Tom and Theo held him back. You soon got up and went in front of him.

You- "he's not worth it come on."

You and Blaise leave the party and just go up to the astronomy tower.

I am going to be making a part two to this story because I kind of like it and have some other ideas for this story specifically.

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