Draco Malfoy

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Draco Malfoy reacts to you calling for him during the battle.

I was fighting off death eaters along the side of draco. The battle was getting intense and then finally Voldemort had come.

Voldy- "Harry Potter is dead!"

You- "NO" (yk like in the movies when ginny cry's)

Draco pulled me back and hugged me as I cried. That was my brother. I didn't know him for long but the thought of my only family being dead killed a part of me.

Voldy- "quiet girl. Or you're next."

I sobbed into Draco's arms hoping Harry would magically come back to life.

Voldy- "ahh yes. You're, y/n Potter. I should kill you next. Then the long line of potters will be GONE!"

All the death eaters laughed with Voldemort. Both Draco's parents call him over.

You- "draco."

He started walking over there when you whispered his name loud enough so he could hear and you grabbed his wrist to stop him. He turned around and gave you a sad look. You were Pleading for him to stay and Voldemort saw this.

Voldy- "if you want him so bad. Join him."

You both walked over too the other side hand in hand. When suddenly Harry jumped out of hagrids arms and started fighting against Voldemort.

Soon Voldemort knocked Harry's wand out of his hand.

This is a part you guys will like bc even if it didn't happen in the books it happened in all of our hearts

Draco and you both run and throw your wand towards Harry so he can fight Voldemort off. Soon Harry are fighting and they're both blasting spells at each other and it turned into this big blast in one. Soon he kills Voldemort and the war is over.

Since I'm in the infirmary comforting George with the loss of his twin, I hadn't seen draco. Crying with George over both of our best friends death I spot draco apologizing to every family for their loss.

Crying in George's arms draco comes over and gives his apologies to molly and Arthur. Then he comes over to us and just sits by me rubbing my back. Giving me space to grieve with my friend and not getting in the way of something important.

A few weeks pass and after going to all the funerals Hogwarts is back to good and I'm now a professor there and living the best life.

Idk why this changed from 3,rd person to 1sr person but whatever lol. Hope you enjoyed this chapter 🫶🏼

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