A Home in Hell

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Fearing that the authorities could catch up to them at any time, the group knew they had to figure out a place to stay.

"We could stay at my place." Damien suggested. "It's big enough for all of us, and I doubt any police can get there." 

"I suppose that works." Estella sighed. 

"It's not too hot down there, is it?" asked Mark. 

"Nah." Damien replied. "It's not too bad." 

The group seemed to doubt Damien, but realizing that they didn't have many better options, they ultimately agreed. Damien opened up a portal and brought everyone to his castle in Hell. 

They all did their best to make themselves comfortable in Hell, but it was difficult to be comfortable with the current circumstances. Their families and Gregory were dead, and Pip had been kidnapped. 

Some formulated plans on how to handle these situations and cope with what had happened, while others could only ponder over what they could've done better. A few tried to be positive for a short while, but that was difficult when no one knew what to do or how to feel. 

Mole was personally taking things the hardest. When the whole group was sitting together talking, he excused himself to the bathroom and simply stared at himself in the mirror. The person he saw was different from the one who he was at the beginning of all this. He looked older and more grown up. 

Before, Mole thought he had hated being an adult. He hated the responsibility and difficulty of it. Now, he knew what being an adult truly was. Growing up meant losing those you care for and being forced to move on. It meant being on your own in a world against you. Mole never asked for any of this. He wanted to be a stupid kid again who loved giraffes and didn't hate the world so much. 

Mole had always wanted impossible things. He wanted his mom to be kind to him. He wanted to quit going on adventures with Gregory. He wanted to fix things with his mom. He wanted Gregory to be alive. 

God had to have been against him, Mole thought. God hated him and wanted him to live a horrible life where the things he wanted would always be out of reach. Any time Mole had an ounce of hope and prayed up to the sky that things would get better, the sky would give him no answer. Mole's life was empty of answers and understanding. 

When Mole looked in the mirror, he thought of making Gregory proud. He wanted Gregory to be happy even in death, so he changed his dirty clothes, like he knew Gregory would be telling him to do if he were alive. He told himself he wouldn't give up on this adventure and would put an end to the stupid Yardale shit. 

He then went out and asked Estella to do him a favor. He handed her a brush and asked her to do a simple thing: brush his hair. 

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