"Used to each other?" Alyssa laughed. "Living together your entire lives was not enough to get used to each other?"

"It is not the same." Aemma slapped her arm lightly, giving her a mock glare. "Being wed is different than living together as a family. I also do not want everyone staring at us. I plan to enjoy my husband without people staring and talking about us."

"Well I hope you both have an amazing few moons together, maybe you will be with child once you return."

"I do not think so." Alyssa frowned, but Aemma just shook her head. "I do not want to be with child for at least a few years. I believe there are more than enough children to carry the Targaryen name."

"That is true."

Alyssa enjoyed being with Aemma, her sister did not see things as most women did. She had always been independent and believed women were capable of doing anything a man could do. Their father had always treated all the children equally, he had not made any difference between daughters and sons, well as long as it was about training and their rights. As soon as there was a man involved their father forgot everything and became a completely different person. Aemma had always loved to train with the boys and had dreamed of going into battle and fighting for their kingdom. Now that there was peace and there were no wars, she was happy training and now she would be wed. All their lives were changing at an incredible speed and she was not sure if she liked the changes. In a way she felt like they were all drifting apart, everyone was busy and they barely spent more than a few minutes together.



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                                                             Alyssa Targaryen (Aemma's wedding.)


                                                 Baelon Targaryen (27 years old

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                                                 Baelon Targaryen (27 years old. Wedding look.)


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