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It felt like Pencil had been stuck inside this place forever.

Of course, she WAS the first person eliminated from BFB. She did have a lot of time on her hands.... but seriously, was she ever going to get out of here? She often thought of Leafy, Loser and even Spongy, and how those three managed to escape. Well Leafy was obvious, but Loser and Spongy escaping was pure luck. Pencil kept agonizing over the thought, "What if it was me instead of them? What would have happened to me then...." She kept running through all the what ifs in her mind.

Still, it wasn't all bad news. Even though she had lost Leafy, who she missed more than she probably should have, she still had Bracelety and Liy. Although, Pencil thought, they were no Leafy. "I wonder what's up with her now," Pencil thought. "I do miss her wayyyy too much, I'm glad she got out of this hell but me being here gets more tiring every day." Pencil just laid back and stared at the ceiling, which seemed to go on for miles.

"Hey Pence-Pence!" Shouted a familiar voice. Oh right, Pencil thought. Match was still around.

Pencil's POV: 
Honestly thank GOD for Match. I almost keep forgetting she's here because I so badly wish she was in the game.... especially because Freesmart kind of hung us out to dry lately. But really... it just makes it easier for me to live and get through this day by day.

Match came over and gave me a squeeze. "So how are you holding up, Pence-Pence"? I looked at her a forced a smile. "Well you know... I'm taking it day by day. But to tell you the truth, I'm going CRAZY." Match frowned. I noticed she became a lot more serious recently. Was it because of her relationship fallout with Bubble? It probably was because we had a lot of deep conversations about it to kill time since Four doesn't even show up anymore. Which is funny since even though this is called "Eternal Algebra Class", we're surrounded by worksheets, numbers, pencils (ironic I know 🙄) and we don't even do classes anymore! Which is a relief but... part of me wishes I had something to do. Especially since we're literally in Four's head....

Match's POV:
I've not been here nearly as long as people like Pencil, Bracelety and Liy, but I've definitely had my fair share of regrets. Honestly... I just want to apologize to Bubble... she means a lot to me and I just want to tell her how I feel about her and value her as a friend. It tears me up because it's been months and I still haven't gotten proper closure. I don't know, will I ever see her again? It's something that just makes me feel awful and I'm hoping I never become like that again.

I looked over at Pencil. "You know I've been thinking... why are we even here?" Pencil looked at me weird. "What do you mean?" She said. "We've been eliminated after all... and look over there." She pointed towards David, Roboty, and Dora who all seemed to be relaxed and just doing nothing. I started to laugh. "Oh Silly Pence Pence! Those are non objects so of course they're not as expressive." I knew if Nickel heard that he'd probably yell at me... so thank god he's not here.

"Anyway." I continued. "Why don't we try and get out of here?" Pencil looked back at me again with "the I love you you're my BFF but you're insane" look. "Uhhh you do realize we tried that already right? And look how that turned out, Four LITERALLY sucked us back in right as we were about to escape. It still annoys me to this day, especially since Spongy managed to get out 🙄" I rolled my eyes back at her. "I know that dummy, but we can't just give up. There's GOT to be a way out of here..." Suddenly, a few familiar faces came towards us. It was Liy and Stapy! I wonder what they wanted.

Liy's POV:
I noticed Pencil and Match arguing so I walked over. Then I noticed Stapy behind me. "What do YOU want?" I asked him. Stapy looked at me. "You know, for someone who thinks a lot, my stapler instincts tell me you've got a lot going on..." I mean, to be fair, he wasn't lying. I've thought about that locked door behind me for ages. Could it be the way out? Right before Leafy rejoined I actually was kind of relieved to stay in the E.X.I.T since that's what I wanted to find out about the most.

I mean, I had found my next adventure, after all! And now that Plan A to escape failed, time for Plan B... I was going to try to escape no matter what, or at least finally unlock that door.

"Hey what's up guys?" I said to Pencil and Match. Pencil smiled at me. We've become really good friends since we've been trapped here the longest besides Bracelety, so I feel I can always go to her to get stuff off my chest. "Match thinks we should try to escape." Pencil said half laughing. Stapy laughed and said, "Better not let Four hear you say that." Match rolled her eyes, "As if!!! Four probably just abandoned and completely forgot about us... if we ever get out of here I'll have my revenge on him ):<.

I looked at Match though and said, "That's literally what I was just thinking about a minute ago, are we psychic or something??? I think I actually have a possible way we can maybe get out too..."  Match smiled. "OMG LIY!!! Teach these fools so I can prove myself to be smarter than they are." "Uh...ok..." I continued. "Anyway, Pencil, you remember that door that was behind me? Why haven't we ever tried to bust through again?"

Pencil thought for a second. "Ummm... maybe because it could literally KILL US ALL???" "I mean who even knows what's down there, if we somehow die we'll never get recovered. Four has completely forgotten about us and no one on the outside is going to bother." I thought a second. "Yeah, but seriously, how long are we going to wait? We have to do something or I'm going to lose it." 8-Ball rolled over suddenly, saying, "Why not try Plan 8 again? It is not my favorite number but it's worth a shot."

Stapy mumbled, "You mean Plan A, 8-Ball... but you're probably right. Maybe we should give it another go, it has been a few months since Spongy and Loser managed to get out but maybe we can change it up a little bit." I was a bit annoyed obviously, but I couldn't do much about it. I seemed to be the only one that wanted to open the door, but I couldn't do much right now.

Pencil's POV:
So, it was looking like we were going to go with Plan A again! Which was fine by me, I figured we could probably make Roboty, David, and Dora as a ladder and stack a few of the desks on top to reach high enough... only problem is this time Spongy wouldn't be there to grab onto. Probably a good thing considering Firey Jr literally burned him to death last time... but it made things tricky. "Well, let's get to work!" I said to everyone. "Time to escape the E.X.I.T."

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