🔎🖤 : Liza and the Five Stages of Greif

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Once Liza had practically collapsed on to her doorstep, she tried to wrap her head around what had just happened. She didn't believe it. It wasn't real. This was just another one of her nightmares. He didn't mean it. These were all things that she told herself as she fought back tears. She pulled out her pack of cigarettes, grabbing one to light but she never got that far as the first sob wracked her body.

It didn't make any sense. After all they had gone through it wasn't clicking in her brain how he could just throw it all away like it was nothing. He had said he didn't want to get hurt again but there was nothing for him to get hurt by. She didn't believe him or Robin or Dustin when they said that Eddie had feelings for her, she never gave anyone the impression that she had feelings for the metalhead so why was this the cause of the end? She didn't believe it.

Liza waited on her doorstep for Steve to show up, to tell her he was sorry and he didn't mean it but he never did. She waited for Robin to show up with Steve behind her to force them to kiss and make up but she never did. She was left to try and convince herself that it didn't happen and this was all a bad dream, that she would wake up in Steve's arms and everything would be okay. That never came, instead she was left on her doorstep for hours coming to grips with the fact that the person she was in love with had torn it to shreds in front of everyone.

It really set in when Liza heard the laughter of Dustin, Mike and Lucas. Something about hearing their joy cemented the fact that hers had been ripped away in a matter of minutes. Seeing their faces fall when they saw her made her realise that no amount of trying to deny the obvious was going to work. Steve had really broken up with her.



The next day when everyone was out of the house, Liza grabbed the nearest thing to her and threw it against the wall. The hairbrush clattered to the ground loudly as she clenched her fists and glared at the ground. Lava flowed through her veins and she didn't even try to calm herself down. It would have done nothing but piss her off more and she was already at a volatile level. The blonde had never been so mad at Steve, not during the Demogorgon fight, not during their friendship and definitely not during their relationship. She had half a mind to go to his house and yell at him, to hurt him.

Liza's eyes locked on to the drawer that she knew housed his things and something in her finally snapped. Standing up and storming over to her dresser, she pulled the drawer out. Walking over to her bed she turned it over and let the contents fall. She stared at the clothes before she grabbed a shirt and balled it up, tossing it into the furthest corner of her room. She repeated this with each and every article of clothing until they were all piled up. Stomping her way to the bathroom, Liza grabbed his stuff out of the shower and off the counter before heading back into her room and tossing them on top of his clothes. Taking a step back, Liza huffed and looked around her room for more things that reminded her of Steve.

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