🖤: Who knows Liza Better

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    "This is so stupid guys

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    "This is so stupid guys." Liza groaned as she sat between Robin and Dustin on the living room couch. She looked back and forth between Steve and Eddie, the boys were facing each other on dining room chairs that had been dragged out by Dustin. A playful tension hung in the air but Liza knew that it could turn sour very quick.

  One off hand comment from Dustin and suddenly Robin had made almost fifty cue cards filled with questions and answers about Liza Henderson. Their Saturday game night - which they were supposed to spend playing monopoly - had turned into a trivia night all about the blonde, in which Eddie and Steve were the participants.

  "It's not stupid if it's about you, Witch." Eddie smirked over at Liza. The blonde glared back, arms crossed over her chest. "We just want to test Little Henderson's theory. No harm in that."

  "I hate that you call me Little Henderson." Dustin grumbled, not looking up from the white board that he was writing on.

  "Yeah Darlin'. Just testing a theory." Steve smiled. He was feeling overly confident, he had this in the bag. He had known Liza for three years now, dated her for over a year if you didn't count their break up. Eddie had only known her, really known her, for a year. There was no way the metal head knew the blonde better than him.

  "If either of you get your feelings hurt, don't come crying to me and don't expect me to kiss them better." Liza scoffed, kicking her feet up on to the table. Steve and Eddie looked to each other then shrugged, they didn't think they were gonna get hurt. After all what kind of questions would Robin even ask that could hurt them?

 "Okay so." Robin began, holding the brightly colored cards in her hands as she looked to the boys in excitement. "You guys know the rules. I ask the question, you dingus's answer. If you're right, you get a point. If you're wrong, I get to laugh at you."

  "Why aren't you doing this with us?" Steve raised a brow, eyeing Robin with a grin. "Shouldn't you be part of this too?"

  "She wrote the questions and answers without having to ask Liza a single one." Dustin spoke, looking at Steve with a grin. "Plus she would wipe the floor with you two. She and Liza call each other soulmates remember? This shit is ingrained in her memory." Liza smiled at Robin over her glass of coke, the brunette winked back at her.

  "Buckley would absolutely demolish us, Harrington." Eddie spoke, picking up his pack of cigarettes. He saw Robin's glare and sighed, he threw the pack back down and picked up his white board instead. 

  "Anyways, in the end, we count the points to find out whos the winner. They get gloating rights and get to rub it in the other's face. If it's a tie, then I get to ask the tie breaker question. One that only I know the answer to." Dustin grinned at his sister, a glint of mischief in his eye.

   "Oh this isn't going to end well." Liza sighed, sinking back into the cushions.

  "First question, super easy! What is Liza's favorite color?" The trio on the couch watched as the boys wrote their answers on their white boards. "Okay, show your answers!" Steve flipped his board over to show he had answered yellow, while Eddie answered red. "Point to Munson."

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