🖤🔎: Mike telling Will and El about the break up

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  "Okay, so what actually happened with Liz and Steve? She only told us that they broke up, nothing more but Dustin wouldn't be that pissed over just a breakup

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  "Okay, so what actually happened with Liz and Steve? She only told us that they broke up, nothing more but Dustin wouldn't be that pissed over just a breakup." Will asked Mike as he leaned his arms against the table in Rink-o-mania, both his and Elevens eyes were locked on to the boy.

   They had tried to get more out of Liza, tried to get her to vent to them about what had happened, but she told them to drop it. No matter how much they begged the blonde to indulge them, no matter what they offered to her, Liza would tell them that it was just a messy breakup and that was it. When they asked Dustin, he would just say that Steve was a prick and when he forgave Steve he would say that it didn't matter anymore. That both Steve and Liza had moved on.

   Will and Eleven knew that Mike would tell them, the boy had always been vocal about his dislike of Steve Harrington. As far as Mike was concerned, Steve was a massive douchebag and he definitely wasn't good enough for Liza Henderson. So he was more than willing to talk shit about Steve to two people he knew would be just as mad as he was.

 Will and Eleven sat in stunned and angry silence as Mike told them everything. From Liza figuring out that Robin was spying on her to the argument that ended up with the couple breaking up. The raven haired boy spared no details and no opinions. With each word, Mike's anger toward Steve reignited, his nose twitching and his eyes fierce as he spoke. When he got to the part when himself, Dustin and Lucas found Liza on the Henderson doorstep, his fists were clenched and his brows were knitted together.

   "She looked so . . . small, so defeated. She couldn't talk to us without crying and when she could talk it was barely above a whisper. She actually cried infront of us." Mike's nose twitched as he thought of that night, of Liza's whimpers and the streams of black tears down her cheeks. How he held her on the doorstep while she sobbed.

   Will and Eleven looked to each other with wide eyes, they had never seen Liza like that and they weren't sure they wanted to. They had seen her mad, happy, hell even scared but when it came to being sad, Liza had always hid that from them. So the fact that she was so openly upset infront of Dustin, Lucas and Mike meant that this really hurt her.

   "She didn't even seem mad like you would expect her to be." Mike continued, playing with a string on Eleven's shoulder. "She was just really. . .really sad. Dustin though, he was pissed. I think the only time I have ever seen him ever close to that was when we lost a campaign. Liza wouldn't even let Dustin go after the douche bag either. Told him that he shouldn't ruin a friendship over a break up, because of course she was thinking about other people when she was should have been thinking about herself, like always. Anyways, we offered for her to watch a movie with us but she told us no, kissed our cheeks then hid in her room."

   "Well it was a Friday. That was Steve, Robin and Liza's movie night. She probably didn't want the reminder that she should have been with them." Will explained, taking a sip of his milkshake. Mike cringed slightly as he realized Will was right. Not only did Liza have to deal with a break up that night, but also the fact that she had lost a day where she got to be with two of her favorite people.

   "Who is Eddie?" Eleven asked suddenly, bringing her boyfriends eyes down to her. Mike's face scrunched up as he tried to figure out how Eleven knew of the Dungeon Master. "Liz said that he was her savior." Eleven's eyes were narrowed, she wasn't sure she liked the idea of another guy in Liza's life. It meant the blonde could get hurt again.

  "Yeah, she went from barely talking during our phone calls to talking non-stop about this Eddie guy." Will hoped that who ever this guy was, he was smart enough to realize that he had the perfect girl infront of him. That Liza Henderson deserved the world and if she didn't get it six very pissed off fifteen and sixteen year olds would be gunning for him.

  "Eddie Munson. He was the reason why Liza and Steve broke up actually. Harrington got it in his head that Liza was going to leave him for Eddie, so he broke it off before she would of gotten the chance. Which was stupid because anyone who knows Liza knew that she only had eyes for him." Mike loved this next part of the story, a smile spread on his face as he told Eleven and Will.

   Liza had been back to school for about a week before Eddie had swooped in like a knight-in-shining-battle-vest and within ten minutes, he had made Liza laugh, dragged her over to their lunch table and gave her a reason to leave the house besides work and school. While Mike was of the opinion that no one was good enough for Liza, but maybe, just maybe Eddie was.

   "Theyre practically attached to each other now. Dustin and I had a bet on when they were going to kiss, I won." Mike beamed. "Got five dollars off of Dustin."

  "Does he know about them? Being attached?" Eleven asked, she hoped Steve did know. That he saw what he lost and hated himself for it. 

  "Oh, he knows." Mike's eye's lit up. "He and Dustin walked in on them napping and cuddling one day. When douche bag dropped Dustin off at my place, he looked like he was going to be sick."

  "Good." Will stated while Eleven nodded, all three teens smiled at the misfortune of Steve Harrington.

  Today was one of the days where Eleven really wished she had her powers back and that she was in Hawkins. She would give anything to go up to the mouthbreather and throw him around like a ragdoll, to bring him to his knees in front of Liza and make him apologize. Then watched as Liza laughed in his face  and told him to go to hell. Though she supposed she didn't need to have her powers to do so. The looks on Mike and Will's faces, along with what she was sure to be the anger in Dustin, Lucas and Max told her that they could and would be willing to overpower Steve. She briefly wondered what Eddie looked like, maybe he would be willing to help aswell.

   Will's thoughts were on the same wave length as Eleven's. He was always more of a lover than a fighter but just like the rest of the kids, something about Liza Henderson made him protective over the blonde. Maybe it was because she didn't baby him like the rest of the group did when he came back from the upside down.

    Maybe it was because she always believed them, no matter how outlandish the things they told her were. Or maybe it was the fact that she was always running to the defense of the group, whether it was against assholes like Billy Hargrove or creatures from other dimensions like the Mind Flayer. Or it was because just last year, she had been so willing to die for them and she would have if Mike hadn't stopped her from running. Whatever it was, it caused the kids to all have the same thought: We must protect Liza, because she protects us.

  "So do you think Liza and this Eddie guy are gonna get together, officially?" Will asked, leaning back in his seat.

  "Oh, Eddie has a whole plan for this week. He's taking her to his friends house - the guy is gone away somewhere - then he planned on asking her to be his girlfriend, I think he said the second night there. Said the rest of week was to show her that she didn't need to worry about him leaving her like Steve did and that he was serious about her." Mike informed them, a smile on his face as he thought of how happy Liza probably would be. "If all goes well, when I get back to Hawkins, Liza will be with Eddie, and she will be so infatuated with him she wont notice when Lucas, Dustin, Max and I kill Harrington."

  "I wonder if mom still has that video camera, you could video tape it and send it back for me and El to watch." Will smiled at Mike, making the boy chuckle.

  "I'll make sure we get in a few hits for you two."

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