Got me fucked up!

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Today was not your day. First, the soles of your shoes fell off, your computer didn't charge overnight, so you were stuck with writing your notes for the day, and your boss had sent you an SOS pleading with you to cover a shift. On your day off! Thunder rumbled overhead as you blankly watched a storm begin. 'Have I been cursed?' You wanted to cry and scream and throw a fit, but you knew that wouldn't get you anywhere. Instead, you tried to think positively. The only good thing you got out of this shit show was the extra pay. You had a love-hate relationship with your job, while the bar you worked at was understaffed, you made hella bank because of it. You made three times the amount if you covered someone's shift too.

The thought of money and the fact that you had nothing else to do with yourself resulted in you agreeing to cover the shift, which you greatly regretted the moment you stepped into the establishment. It was rowdy, like always, though this time it felt even more annoying. Maybe it was because you got caught in the rain or because you felt like life was throwing hands, regardless, you couldn't help the deep frown that tugged at your lips or the way your eyebrows scrunched together. 'Think of the money Y/N, the money!' Clenching the bag hanging from your shoulder and taking a deep breath, you walked to the back, past the swinging double doors, and down a sketchy hallway.

The bar was a mix of new and old, the front where patrons laughed and drank was much newer compared to the back, where the employees were. Though, you used your fire wit and knack for arguing to get an updated breakroom and locker room. Thanks to you, the only sketchy place left in the back was the hallway and the storeroom. The sound of the locker room door opening snapped you out of your thoughts, prompting you to finish putting your things away.

"Y/N! Thank you so so so so so much for coming in!" You turned to face your manager; an equally overworked, exhausted girl named Vivi. She was genuinely sweet and the only reason you hadn't quit yet. The two of you were friends outside of work and attended the same college. You always said that if Vivi quits, so do you. Work besties gotta stick together.

"Bestie, you are literally the only reason I came in today, that and the money" Vivi giggled and brushed some of her light bule hair away from her face.

"I am so grateful! You may have noticed that it's louder than usual. We got a large party of businessmen that came in and normally it wouldn't be so busy in the middle of the week, but I really need help!" That's right, it's Wednesday. You checked the calendar and frowned again, Wednesdays and Thursdays were your days off, Vivi either manned the bar herself or had help from the other part time worker, Nami.

"Gross, where's Nami?" You finished putting on the uniform. A too short maid inspired outfit with frills and ribbons. It wasn't the most practical outfit, but you were allowed to wear shorts underneath and it was easy to move in.

"She said her car broke down, she's willing to take your shift on Friday so I let her, knowing you would still want two days off" You looked at Vivi like she was a saint.

"I could marry you right now" Vivi laughed and pretended to swoon as the two of you walked to the front of the bar.

"I can take care of the tables so you can stay behind the bar. I apologize in advance but I'm going to need you to constantly mix drinks and fill pitchers of beer"

"Got it, alcohol robot mode, I can do that" Vivi shot you a grateful smile and squeezed your shoulder before plastering a smile on her face and walking into the chaos of the bar. You rolled your shoulders and cracked your neck before copying her actions, hopping over the bar, and getting started on the drinks. Soon after finishing the first set of drinks a crash drew your attention to the floor. From where you were stationed it looked like a few of the drunk men at the tables were harassing your sweet friend and manager, Vivi.

It looked like two of the drunkards were arguing over which one should have her while trying to grab for her, dIsGuStAnG! 'They got me fucked up!' Not caring about the consequences, you ducked under the bar door, dodged grabby hands like a pro, and swiftly shifted Vivi behind you. Gently leading her to the bar you made sure she was fully behind the thick wood of the counter before looking back at the growing fight. You were so smooth with it that the men had yet to register that Vivi wasn't near them anymore. You looked at Vivi over your shoulder as you walked toward the fight.

"I'll be right back, stay there till I take out the trash, 'kay?" You smiled sweetly and cracked your knuckles. Vivi could only watch as you walked towards them, grabbing a chair as you went.

"Gentleman! Why don't you take this outside, hm?" Your fake smile seemed to make them think you weren't seething or that their actions weren't wrong. So, in typical gross man behavior, they tried to exert their power over you.

"Haaaah?! Don' you know who I am?!" One pointed at you.

"Lisen missy, W're a big deal!" The other got too close, his gross beer breath fanning over your face.

"Oh really? Go be a big deal outside!" You lifted the chair, smashing it into the side of the one too close to you, sending him to the ground. Stepping around him you grabbed the other one's arm and twisted it behind his back. Keeping a firm hold in his arm you forced him to walk outside, dragging the one you crumpled by his collar. Your actions had made them too dizzy to stand, once you let go, they fell to the ground and passed out. Feeling satisfied you dusted off your hands and walked back into the bar, where the chaos had died down due to your display of strength.

"As you can see, I'm not in the mood. You fuck around, you find out, got it?!" You got a chorus of yeses and some yes ma'am's as you walked back to the bar. Vivi was right where you left her, looking at you as if you were a hero.

"That was so cool!" You rolled your eyes playfully and lifted the bar door for her.

"Yea, yea. If you have any more trouble, call me over, okay?" Vivi nodded cheerfully, feeling safer now that she knew you had hands. The energy on the floor changed as well, it was still chaotic, but it was more controlled than before. You smirked, knowing it was because of you.

"Excuse me?" A deep, slightly muffled voice called out to you. 'Large' A titan of a man with vermillion hair and a scarf covering the lower half of his face was sitting at your bar. You blinked and leaned over the bar top to hear him better. 'He is hot as fuck what the hell?!'

"What can I get for you?" 'Me, perhaps?' The man's sharp gaze searched your eyes before he handed you a card. 'Okay?' You tilted your head at the man, unknowingly making him think of you as a puppy.

"It's a job offer; I think you would fit in at my company" You blinked out of sync. 'Did this man not see me wield a chair earlier?' You hummed, reading it over. It was made from thick, fancy paper and the font was pretty to look at. 'Katakuri Charlotte huh?' You looked at him and immediately looked away as his eyes met yours, mans was intimidating.

"I've never been an office worker type of girl" You thumbed the card as you spoke, liking the texture. Because you had your eyes focused on the card in your hand, you failed to notice his eyes zeroing in on you.

"It won't be an office job" You squinted your eyes. 'That's so vague it hurts' You pushed off the bar top, slipped the card into your bra, the best pocket of all, and scrounged up enough courage to look him in the eyes.

"I'll think about it" Katakuri left you with a curt nod, accepting your answer. You looked at Vivi, knowing you won't leave the shitty bar unless she does. Maybe you can get a job for her too? It's dangerous for the two of you to work at the bar anyway. With a sigh, you went back to taking orders and mixing drinks. You would think about it later.

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