Chapter 20

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The Andersons had disappeared again with Violet and I was struggling. I knew it was for her safety, but dammit, I missed her. It had been months and we had been systematically hitting Carlos's bases and the guys had even managed to thwart most of his finances. Phil from the Academy had even reached out to us with information about Vivian's whereabouts. My grandfather had taken a keen interest in hunting her and my mother seemed to be helping him, but I didn't trust it completely.

"What has you giggling this early in the day," I asked Tori as she came into the sunroom. I'd never seen my friend so happy, and it was all thanks to the Blackbournes.

"Let's just say I had a very energetic breakfast," she grinned.

"I can see," I told her, pointing to the bite marks on her neck as she blushed. "I take it things are going well? Have you and Victor resolved your differences?" Her smile faltered. She still hadn't forgiven him for his comments about me the night of the Gala. "Tori, you can't keep holding that over his head. If I can forgive him, so can you," I said, patting her hand as I pulled her onto the couch.

"I guess," she hesitated.

"Okay, what's the real reason? This has to be about something more than his comments that night," I pushed.

She dropped her head and began fiddling with her rings. "I...I just...what if he thinks I'm a whore...just like Carlos said?" Her voice was so low and broken. I was shocked. How could she think that?

I pulled her into my arms and rocked her. "Tori, no one thinks that. Has he given you a reason to think that? Did he say something?"

", but if he could make a snap judgment about you, then what must he think about me?"

"Oh sweetie, I think you're too far in your own head. I've seen the way that man looks at you. He worships you and is dying for any crumb of attention you will give him." I cupped her chin, "I want you to go find him right now. Don't hold back. Tell him what you're afraid of. If he hesitates, then kick him in the nuts, but somehow I don't think that will happen."

She laughed at my comment and nodded, "Okay. I'll do it." Squaring her shoulders, she stood up and smiled. "Oh, and Sean wanted me to remind you of your ultrasound this afternoon. I'll be there, I promise."

"I know you will," I said, squeezing her hand as she headed out of the room.


I took Mattie's advice and went in search of Victor. Maybe she was right, and it was all in my head. I mean, even Gabriel had told me to forgive him. I found him in the study with Kota and Nate, their heads bent as they studied something. "Ahem," I cleared my throat. All three heads popped up and turned in my direction. Damn, why did they all look so good? My mouth went dry and I couldn't stop myself from checking them out. Shit, Tori...down girl.

"Um, I wondered if I could have a word with you, Victor?" I said hesitantly.

He looked at the other two, then said, "Sure. Would you like to talk here or somewhere more private?"

My eyes flicked between the three of them as I panicked slightly. "Do you think I'm a whore," I blurted out and then slapped my hand over my lips. "Shit," I muttered.

"What?" Victor gaped, "No, why would you think that?" Nate and Kota stood frozen as he walked toward me. He gently took my hand from my mouth and kissed it. "Tori, please help me understand. Have I given you reason to think that?"

I felt my tears start and I hung my head. "I'm sorry, I just thought...the way you were upset at Mattie. I mean, how could you not think that about me...I...I've..."

His thumb brushed across my lips and I heard the door quietly close as Kota and Nate slipped out of the room leaving us alone. "Cuore mio, I think no such thing, and you are not, nor have you ever been a whore. You are a strong, intelligent, beautiful woman and I adore you," Victor said. He lifted my chin and I gazed into those fiery eyes. "I am truly sorry for my words that night, Tori. I regretted them the moment I spoke them and I've tortured myself thinking it was my fault that Mattie tried to harm herself. But never once have I thought ill of you."

"Thank you," I whispered. "I guess I just got in my head."

"May I kiss you?" he asked, his finger still under my chin.


The moment his lips touched mine, I was a goner. They were so gentle, yet demanding as the kiss deepened. His hands moved around me, one at the nape of my neck, fingers spearing into my hair, while the other pressed against the small of my back, guiding me closer to him. My arms lifted to encircle his neck as if this were the most natural thing in the world. It felt like my body already knew his and was simply coming home. He broke the kiss and frowned, "Did I do something wrong?" His fingers wiped at my tears.

"No," I shook my head. "This feels so right. I don't understand it."

He chuckled softly, "Because it is. Tori the four of us had already fallen that night at the Gala. Sean and Owen fell for you the moment they laid eyes on you, just like North and Silas did. I think Gabe fell the moment he heard you on the other end of that phone. We want you, we want a life with you - all of us. Do you want that? Do you want us?"

I searched his eyes for any hidden agenda or hesitation, then leaned up and kissed him again. "Yes, yes, I want this. I want this so much it scares me," I admitted. 

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