Where am I?

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                                        *Connor's POV*

I was sitting on the couch waiting for Claire to finish cooking because I had nothing else to do, then Gabriel walked in and said" Hey Connor, would you mind if me and Stella go on your computer and spy on your texts?" I said" what?! No!" Gabriel said obviously not understanding what I meant" oh thanks Connor!" I then yelled" I didn't mean it as in you can! I meant I do mind! I just don't want you to do it!" Gabriel said sadly" oh." Stella then yelled down from upstairs" I told you not to ask him!" Gabriel said as he ran up yelling at Stella" I was being polite!" Stella yelled" well fuck being polite!" I rolled my eyes, thinking they always argue, then Claire yelled" Supper's ready!" I sprung up and walked in and sat down, then Myles said" so has anyone had any interesting dreams lately?" Travis said" why are you asking about that?" Myles shrugged, he then gave us his "I just felt like it" face, I said" well I had a weird dream." Myles said" SPILL. THE. BEANS!" getting up and slamming his hands on the table, he liked dramatic stories, I said" well in the dream I saw this Jirachi, ya know the star Pokémon from the games and anime?" everyone nodded so I continued" so well it could speak English, and it said ' I need help in my world, but I don't have enough mons to help me, so I need you to become a Pokémon and help fight and finally end this never ending battle!' it was weird, because after they said that I woke up." Spencer said agreeingly" that is a strange dream, but I doubt it means anything!" I nodded and after supper I went back to my room to work on some drawings that I was making. After a few hours I had fallen asleep on my desk. I looked around in a white place and saw a Jirachi just floating there, I said" why are you here? What do you want from me!" Jirachi said" I said I needed your help, now are you ready?" I said confused" ready for what?" Jirachi said" To enter my world as a new creature?" I said" what do you mean 'new creature'?" Jirachi said" a creature like me." I was still confused, but then the Jirachi disappeared and the world around me started swirling and suddenly went black.

(Connor Wakes Up)

I opened my eyes and looked around, for some odd reason I was on a beach, I got up and continued to look around but that's when I noticed a Treecko running towards me and for an even stranger reason it wasn't even a bit smaller than me, it was like we were almost the same height, the weird Treecko then said" are you ok? Why were you laying on the sand?" I said, confused that it could even speak English" what do you mean I was laying on the sand?" I then felt something wet touch my feet, at first, I thought it was just the ocean water, but then it felt as if I had stepped in lava, I then said in shock" ouch!" Treecko said" are you alright?!" I was confused even more than I was about the talking Treecko," why does it hurt when the water touches me?!" Treecko said" that's because you're a Fire Type, I mean it's a pretty obvious answer." I said "A Fire Type?" I then looked at a nearby puddle and the reflection wasn't my usual knotty red hair and blue eyes, but it was the reflection of a Charmander, I then backed up in fear and looked at my hands, they were orange and clawed, I said frightened" Where am I?!" 

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