Punk pt2

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Hobie's pov

I smirk as we perform our last song. The energy of the room is high. Everyone is having a good time dance and cheering. No one knows the words to any of the songs we perform.

Expect for Miles. I can't help but watch him. The way he moves to the music is addicting. His hips sway as he mouths the lyrics. A few times he catches me staring.

Each time he smiles and dances a bit more. Like he wants me to watch. Like he's hoping to keep my attention. As we finish up our song Miles disappears into the crowd.

I hop off the stage and admittedly get swarmed. I roll my eyes and squeeze my way through the crowd. Once I reach the end of the room. I head straight to the kitchen.

"Bloody hell." I huff and make myself a drink.

"Stressed?" Miles smirks as he leans against the wall.

"Annoyed. Up to get pissed?" I offer him the drink I just made.

"I'm the DD." He sits on top of the counter.

"Why ya in here?" I walk towards him.

"It's quiet." Miles shrugs.

"Your being a lot nicer." I smirk and stand between his legs.

"Band put me in a good mood." Miles smiles a little, leaning forward.

"I didn't think ya were into the punk scene." I chuckle.

"There's a lot you don't know." Miles rolls his eyes as he leans back.

"Yea? Prove it." I set my hands on the sides of him.

Miles looks down at my hands. He smirks at me and grabs my shirt. He pulls me towards him and whispers.

"I know you want me. You're not trying hard enough." Miles pushes me away as he bites his lip.

Not trying hard enough? Alright love.

I chuckle to myself and down the rest of my drink. I stand between his legs again.

"How about ya follow meh? I'll show ya somet'ing you'll love." I watch as he thinks it over.

"Pass." He shakes his head.

"Pass?" I frown.

"What makes you think I wanna go anywhere with you?" He chuckles.

"Ya don't trust meh?" I adjust my jacket.

"Not even for a second." Miles crosses his arms.

"Ouch." I chuckle and back away.

Time for a new approach.

"That hurt you?" Miles quirks a brow at me.

"A little." I chuckle.

"Oh." Miles frowns a little before looking away.

"Dance with meh." I hold my hand out.

"Here?" He tilts his head.

"I mean in the living room but we can dance here. Wherever you're comfortable." I shrug.

Miles get off the counter and takes my hand. He drags me through the very crowded living room. Keeping us on the outer ring of the chaos.

I smirk and watch as he gets into the music. It's nothing particularly good, I wouldn't listen to it willingly. But watching him move to it like it's second nature. Just might make me add it to a playlist.

I slowly place a hand on his waist. When he doesn't move it away I start to move with him. He looks back at with a look I can't describe. I pull him closer and he smiles. It's small and quick but I see it.

"You're a good dancer." I whisper in his ear.

Miles turns to me. He wraps his arms around my neck. He leans up to my ear.

"Miles!" Gwen giggles as she pulls him away from me.

I glare at her a little as she drags Miles to the middle of the room. I watch as they dance really close. A lot closer than Miles and I were. Close enough you'd think their dating.

For all I know they might be. Gwen is a little possessive and protective. She was ready to fight me earlier when she thought I hurt him. I can't hide the frown on my face so I head to the kitchen.

Without much thought I mix a heavy drink. I start chugging it and lean against the counter. I drink more of it happily welcoming the buzz.

I don't know how much time has past or how much I've had to drink. The party seems to be slowing down as the house get quieter. I'm still in the kitchen by myself.

"Figured I find you here." I hear someone chuckle.

I look up and see Miles. Gwen is behind him. Her arms wrapped loosely hung around his neck. He leaning against him obviously swaying.

"Ya were lookin' for meh?" My words slur a little.

"Just a little." He walks into the kitchen.

He gently drags Gwen into the kitchen. Gwen stumbles in and slowly lifts her head. Her eyes light up once they land on me. She giggles and let's go of Miles.

"Hobie! You did sooooo good." She wraps her arms around me.

I tense at the contact and try to pull her off.

"Oi, mate! Allow it!" I growl.

Miles comes over and helps pull her off me. Gwen pouts before wrapping her arms around Miles again.

"Sorry 'bout that. She gets clingy when drunk. It's why I came to make sure she doesn't hang on the wrong guy." Miles sighs a little.

"Your lookin' out for my drummer." I chuckle as I shake my head.

"Yea, I can't let anything happen to my best friend." He looks down at Gwen as she rest her head on his chest.

"Makes me a bit jealous." I mumble softly.

"What was that?" Miles looks up at me.

"Why ya lookin' for meh?" I sway a bit as I finish my drink.

"I was gonna tell you I'm leaving...Do you have a ride home?" Miles looks at me concern in his eyes.

"I can make it to my ends. It's not far."

"Are you driving?"

"That's how I got 'ere. I didn't plan on getting pissed. I thought I'd 'ave the bottle to do someting. I 'ad to allow that thought." I mumble stuffing my hands in my pockets.

Miles giggles a little.

"I'm sorry, the bottle?" He looks up confused.

"Damn Americans, it's um...that one word...oh! Courage? Im pretty sure." I roll my eyes and Miles laughs.

"Let me take you home." Miles motions to the door.

"Are ya 'aving a laugh? Come off it." I groan and start to make another drink.

"I'm serious, let's go." Miles gently grabs my arm.

I look down at him and he makes me set the cup down.

"Can you walk?" Miles watches me.

"I'll be fine." I stumble as soon as I try to walk forward.

"Stay here." Miles leaves the room.

I didn't think he'd drive me home. I just planned to crash on Pav's couch. I can't tell him that though. I wanna see where this night takes me.

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