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Miles' Pov

I watch as Hobie swings by with one goal in mind.

"Miles! You okay?" Gwen lands next to me.

She grabs my face and starts looking me over.

"Yes Gwen, I'm okay." I chuckle softly and push her hands away.

"I'm just checking, that was quit the punch." she cocks her hip.

"I wouldn't be Spider-man if I couldn't take a hit." I shake my head.

"I guess, at least I cared enough to check." Gwen motions towards Hobie.

"He cares, he just shows it in a different way." I shrug.

"I think you might be in denial." Gwen crosses her arms.

"I'm not, I know how he is. He's not one to make a scene. He cares and he just has his own way of showing it." I glare at her a bit.

Hobie and Pavitr land next to us. Hobie stands by me but keeps talking to Pav.

"My friend that punch at the end. I'll be amazed if that guy doesn't end up in a coma. He was rushed to the hospital. " Pav hits Hobie's chest.

"Tellin' meh I shoulda held back more?" Hobie laughs a little.

"Hobie, you almost killed him." Pav shakes his head.

"Guess the adrenaline got to meh." Hobie shrugs.

He lightly bumps into me and I playfully hit his arm. He wraps his arm around my neck and kisses my forehead.

"We're all done here. I'll do the report, you guys be careful." Gwen rolls her eyes before making a portal and leaving.

Hobie tilts his head and motions to her. I sigh and shake my head.

"She doesn't get how we work. After I got hit she got mad you didn't come to check on me."

Hobie sends me a look and I laugh.

"Pav, we're gonna head out. You still coming over Friday."

"Okay and of course. Bye!" Pav waves as Hobie opens a portal home.

We walk in and Hobie drags me into the bathroom.

"Mi amor, I'm okay. Really, Gwen was just overreacting." I giggle a little.

"Take it off." Hobie crosses his arms.

I sigh and take off my mask and suit. Hobie looks me over and after a minute he pulls me into a kiss.

"Told you I was okay." I playfully shove his shoulder.

"I had to make sure." He wraps his arms around me.

I smile and kiss his shoulder.

"I know, why'd you hit that guy so hard?" I pull away and glare at him a bit.

"He hit you hard so I hit 'im harder." Hobie shrugs.

"Okay but you didn't have to put him in a coma." I roll my eyes.

"He got what was coming to 'im . It's not my fault." Hobie pulls me back in.

"Your so adorable." I chuckle.

"Why ya laughin' at meh?" He buries his head in my neck.

"Cause your so protective, it's cute." I wrap my arms around his neck.

"...Gwen really thinks I don't care?" Hobie ask suddenly.

"Don't worry about her. She doesn't understand how you are. I tried to explain it to her but she's the type to want it done her way. If it's not done her way it's wrong. I like how you do things. You don't baby me or think I'm made of glass. You're protective but you let me decide when I'm too hurt." I pull him into a kiss.

"You're a grown man. I can't tell ya how ya feel." He rolls his eyes.

I kiss his cheek and walk to our bedroom.

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