Late Night Conversation

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2:30 AM)


I twisted and turned in bed, It was pitch black in the bedroom and I could hear the baby's small snores coming from her room, I shifted to the left of the bed but instead of my partner's hair my hand landed on a soft pillow, rub my eyes and open them, "Aph?" I whispered.


I shoot my head to the side of the noise, and just then I heard a weak groan
"Aphmau!?" I got out of bed and walked into the closet, the lights were off but I saw another dim light that looked like it was from a phone. "Babe! Stop!" I exclaimed once I realized what she was doing, I grabbed the plant pot away from her, "Aaron! What are you d- doing?!" She looked up at me, the bags under her eyes were more than evident
" It is two in the morning! How long have you been at this? Huh?"
"A while..." she muttered, wiping the sleep out of her eyes
"Aphmau, I know you want your magic back but this has to stop! You're burning yourself out and it's not good!"
She groaned as she lifted herself off the floor, "You don't think I know that!" She spat in a low tone, "I need to protect my family too, our family! I can't do that while- while being useless!" Her brows furrowed and her eyes watered and I stepped a bit closer to her, "Aphmau, you've handled situations without your abilities, You are the strongest person I know! You will get through this, okay?"
She looked at me and then sighed, "I'll take breaks but I'm not going to stop.." She continued, "I heal that's what I've been practicing for almost two years and I am not going to stop Aaron...I'm sorry"
I clenched my jaw, I was aggravated at how stubborn Aphmau was, but I wasn't surprised. I took another step towards her and brought her in my arms,
"It's not worth arguing tonight," I say to her, She lets go and roughly wipes her tears away.
"I'm gonna sleep downstairs," She muttered, She took her phone that was in my hand but before she could exit the closet I stopped her, completely stunned by her words.
"What! Why? You know what, no, you are not going to mope alone downstairs in a state like this, I won't let you!" I lead Aphmau out of the closet and sit her on the bed, "You went past your limit and now you need to rest! This isn't healthy and you know it!" I looked her in the face, it was dark so all I could see was her frame, "Go to bed." I walk out of the bedroom feeling extremely upset.


8:00 AM)

"Ugh..oww!" My head was pounding and I could barely open my eyes until Alina started to cry,
"H- Hang on sweetheart, agh!" I push myself up from the mattress as Alina's cries become louder, I quickly pick her up and begin to cradle her.
"Shh, shh, shh~ it's okay... It's okay," I told her as I lifted my shirt to feed her.

After feeding Alina, her cries faded, and she fell back asleep.
"Yesss," I whispered, setting the baby back in her bed, I looked to my right to notice that Aaron wasn't there.
"Irene, he probably hates me..." I groan and cover my face with my hands, I exhale and get out of bed making sure to let my ears and tail out just in case.
I walk into the closet and throw a fuzzy lavender robe on that stops at my knees, It did look quite cloudy outside considering it was still warm but I wanted to be cozy. I wash into the bathroom
and splash my face with water from the sink, I pat my skin dry and head downstairs. I walk into the kitchen to see Aaron on his computer
'Ugh! What should I do?! I'm sure he's pissed off, we haven't fought like this since we broke up! And it wasn't even that serious then!'
I internally whined and went to the coffee machine that was on the counter, my body was feeling exhausted and my head was pounding. I got a mug from the cabinet and placed it under the machine, waiting for it to brew.
"Are you sick?" I jumped as the voice entered my ear. I turned around to see Aaron who was taking a sip of his coffee,
"N- No.." I tell him, it was way more difficult to talk to Aaron than I thought it would be, gosh look at him...I pissed that beautiful face off.
"You sure? You look like it" He tells me bluntly and takes another sip from his mug.
"Ugh!" I turn away from him and pour my cup of hot coffee, "You jerk!" I tell him.
"Me! A jerk? At least I didn't do something stupid last night!" He raised his voice and I turned around to face him "Stupid!? I would have been just fine if you hadn't interrupted me!" I yelled back in an angry tone, "No you wouldn't, you know you wouldn't..." Aaron's voice became stern, I rubbed my temple with my free hand.
"God! How are you even okay!?" He shouted, I took a step back, gripping my scolding cup for some sort of restraint to not go off on Aaron.
"What...?" I said.

Aaron POV)
"What...?" She said, her eyes widened and her brows arched, she sounded hurt more than anything. What I just said sank in...
"I don't know.." She let out with a shaken voice, Aphmaus's eyes glued to the floor
"Babe, I didn't mean for it to come out that way I-"
"No y-your right, I'm not- this isn't!"
Before she could finish her sentence, I brought her into my arms, "This isn't right, Aaron!" She sobbed, "Things were supposed to get better after we left..!" Her cries became louder so I began to soothe her by patting her hair,
"Shh~ It wasn't right for me to go off at you at all, Aphmau, I'm sorry"
It was taking me all the strength not to cry as well for the sake of her. She didn't need that, Once her cries calmed down she let out a wearied sigh
"I think you should get some more rest," I said, swallowing the lump in my throat,
"Aph?" I shook her gently, she felt limp so I shook her again as a feeling of fear entered me "Aaron, I'm alive" she smacked my arm,
"I see that," I told her, hugging her tightly
"You need to stop scaring me like this, Aph, please..!" I begged her, My eyes began to sting and I laid the side of my head on top of her's
"Okay, I won't " I heard her faint response as she hugged me back
"Come on, let's go upstairs and get some rest" I held her hand as we walked to the stairs " What about the coffee?"
"The coffee will live, Alina's still asleep
"MY BABY!" I heard Aphmau gasp and run upstairs
"Hey! Be careful!" I run to catch up with her. I finally enter the room to see a adorable scene, Alina was awake, giggling, and Aphmau was laughing with her.
"Did you sleep well? Hm? Mommy missed you!" Aphmau said as she quickly wiped the fresh tears from her face, I  smiled as my two favorite people shared their infamous look with each other but I also felt sad as Aphmau wiped the tears from her face. I made my way to them,
"Hey, little one" I brush the top of Alina's head and kiss her cheek, she responds with a cheeky smile
"Ah! Did you see what she did!?" Aphmau exclaimed, sitting on the bed, I joined her.
"I did, she's smart"
"Yeah! Like me!" She flipped her hair back, "No, like me" I smirked, and she slapped my arm.
"Okay, let's actually take a nap now."

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