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                                  (AARON POV)

8:30 AM
Aph: Whaaat, Aaron it's so early!
Aaron: We were supposed to get up by 8:15, I let you sleep in
Aph: Whyyy? Did we do something last night?
I felt her head
Aaron: Dear Irene, Babe you're really warm
Aph: Are you calling me-
Aaron: Nope, already said that one
Aph: Aw man
She got up and went to the bathroom, I put the rest of my clothes in my duffel bag and zipped it
Aph: I feel like shit!
"Probably the food your stuff packed?"
Aph: Yeah, I finished the last n-
She gaged and quickly closed the door
"Shit!" Footsteps ran near our bedroom door
Aaron: Melis- hiss!*

Aph POV)
I coughed and vomited again and then flushed the toilet
'It feels like I threw up my guts'
Aaron: Aph, you okay?
Aph: I'll be fine, just about to brush my teeth
I brushed my teeth and washed my face, then threw on some sweat pants and a crop top. After that, I walked back into the bedroom
Aph: Aaron, I have to give you your new bandages
Aaron: I'm fine, we can do them when we get home
Aph: Not a chance, I heard you hissing just a second ago so sit.
He sighed and sat down, I walked over to him and he took off his shirt, I unwrapped the bandages from around his waist
Aaron: How does it look?
Aph: The same as yesterday, but less swollen...I thought it would shrink while it was bandaged though
My hand went over his wound and I began to heal it
Aph: There.
I threw away the bandages
Aaron: Thanks
Aph: No problem
We went downstairs to see everyone else
Aph: Hey guys!
Travis: Aph! Hey, how do you feel?
Aph: Just some mild food poisoning, but I'll be fine
Aaron: She's sugar coating it
I slapped Aaron's shoulder and he snickered
Travis: I am so sorry about the brownies, I thought it was a chocolate-free recipe
Melissa: They were so good!
Lucinda: They were
I looked at Lucinda and she was reading the same book as yesterday
Aph: Any leads yet?
Lucinda: No, just info about the divine warriors and other god-like figures
'Find the relics before she does'
Aph: What...?
Lucinda: Aphmau?
'Elizabeth wants you Aphmau...Alina as well, your friends and family must keep each other safe at all cost'
'Who are you!?,' I thought
'We will show you.'
My eyes started to glow and I gasped out loud.

Aph: W- where am-
"The same place you died."
I looked behind me, there was an old woman in a dark blue cloak
Aph: Oh my- Irene!?
"Two actually"
A younger woman came in with a lilac cloak
Aph: I remember you...
Aphmau: I remember you as well
Irene: You are familiar with the Demon Warlock, Yes?
Aph: I am...a bit
Aphmau: Wait, let her take all of this in
Aph: Am I here so you guys could talk to me about the relics because I don't know where they went, we kinda turned into them
Irene: You turned into a relic?
Aph: Not really, my friends did
Aphmau: Aaron...
I looked at the other version of me
Aph: What about him?
Aphmau: How is he...?
Aph: D- Doing okay, how do you know about him?
Irene: I'll leave you two be.
Irene walked out
Aphmau: I helped him during the event that happened at the lodge, and Starlight
Aph: Oh..T- Thank you

After a couple of minutes of talking, I started to hear voices
Irene: You have to wake up now, we'll see you in your dreams though. Farewell Aphmau
MCD Aphmau: Aphmau!
I looked at the other me
Aph: Yes?
MCD Aphmau: Please, stay safe
I smiled at her
Aph: Will do

I opened my eyes to find myself sitting in the passenger's seat
Aph: Fuck...
Aaron: Good morning sleeping beauty
Aph: Shhh~ Aaron, I have a headache
"Poor baby," he said in a mocking voice
Aph: Shut up
He laughed and put his hand on my thigh
Aaron: Seriously though, how do you feel?
Aph: Light-headed, did I pass out?
Aaron: Yep, still put you in the car though
Aph: Thanks
Aaron: No problem
We pulled into my mom's driveway and she was waiting at the doorstep, we got out of the car and I smiled
Sylvanna: Hello!
Aph: Hey mom! Hi baby!
I hugged my mom and she gave me Alina
Aph: Mommy and Daddy missed you so much!
Lina smiled and let out a noise, I hugged her
"Thank you so much Sylvanna, how was she?" Aaron said while he softly rubbed Alina's back
Sylvanna: She did well! Just like Aphmau when she was a baby, but I must say she can be very quiet like you Aaron
I giggled
Sylvanna: But she LOVES food
Aph: That's my girl! How was she with her temper?
Sylvanna: Haha! She bit Eric a couple of times!
Eric: I have the marks to prove it!
Eric walked out the door and waved at us
Aaron: Hey Eric! Thanks for looking after Lina
Eric: No problem! We did have fun, my little princess is already so spoiled!
Aph: She is, thank you guys so much! We'll see you later
Sylvanna: See you soon Mija
My mom kissed me on the cheek. We went back to the car and Aaron put the diaper bag next to the car seat, I placed Alina in her car seat, buckled her in then put her pacifier in her mouth.

10 minutes later)
Now in the house and settled in I put Alina to sleep upstairs in our bed then went back down to see Aaron on the couch, I joined him.
Aph: I'm hungry
Aaron: Do you want to order something?
Aph: Can we do wings?
Aaron: Sure
Aph: Yes! Thank you!
Aaron: You're welcome
I crawled on his lap and laid my head on his chest
Aph: What's wrong?
Aaron: Just...tired
He sighed and put his phone down
Aph: Take your blindfold off, please
He unties it and looks down at the coffee table
Aph: You are tired...Aaron look at me
I held his chin up, his eyes were now red
Aph: Tell me, please?
Aaron: I said. I'm. tired.
Aph: But- *sigh* whatever..
I got up and went upstairs
Aaron: Fuck...

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