💙Izzy #18- Childish?

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Angst, Fluff


"C'mon babe, let's go."
Izzy tugged on June's arm.

"But I wanna stay, Iz!"
June whined back.

"Baby, we need to go home."
He said patiently.

"But why?"

"Baby, it's 2 a.m. and I think we've both had enough to drink."
Izzy said calmly, trying his best to stay patient with his girlfriend.

Izzy was a patient and quiet person. He didn't blow up at little things and really didn't let anything bother him. But right now, he is beyond annoyed with June and the way she acts when she's had one (a few) too many. She becomes a giggling mess, feels like she always has to touch him, and is borderline childish at times.
Typically, Izzy finds these things about her endearing, cute, and sweet; he understands that it's just part of her personality. Right now, though, in his tired state of mind, everything she's doing is rubbing him the wrong way.

"June, baby, c'mon, let's head home."
He practically begged, pulling her off of the dance floor.

"Just w'na dance, Iz. Why won't you dance with me?"
She pouted, looking up at him through her eyelashes. Under normal circumstances, Izzy would bend over backward to get the pout off her face, even if that meant dancing a time or two. But right now, he can't think of a worse punishment.

"Honey, everyone else is leaving. See?"
He motioned to all of the empty chairs and other patrons leaving the wedding.

"They must not like to dance. Please, baby, dance with me?"
She slurs, leaning her body weight against him.

"June, we're leaving."
He says sternly, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the coat rack.

"You're no fun."
She drunkenly giggles.

Izzy grumbled under his breath and it seemed to slightly sober up June.

"Izzy, a-are you mad at me?"
She asks quietly, putting her head on his shoulder.

"No, June. Just put your jacket on, okay?"
Izzy sighs, not wanting to upset her.

"But you look mad. I didn't do anything did I?"
June asked, still slurring slightly.

"No, baby. C'mon, get your hoodie on so we can go home."
He says calmly.


"Christ, June, just put on your fucking hoodie."
Izzy snapped harshly, causing June to take a step back and tears to gather on her waterline.

"I-I'm sorry."
She sniffled, putting her hoodie on with shaking hands.

"I'm sorry, Sweetheart. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I'm just tired and ready to go home."
Izzy sighed, wrapping his arms around June, letting her sniffle quietly into his shoulder.

"Can we go home?"
She asked sadly, her words still slightly slurred.

"Yeah, baby, let's go home."
He smiled slightly, grabbing her hand and leading them to the car.

"Wait! I left my drink inside, Iz."
June suddenly remembers.

"Baby, I think you've had enough."
Izzy reminds her softly.

"But I really liked that one."
She pouted, crossing her arms across her chest.

"You can have more tomorrow when you're a little bit more sober. You're done for tonight."
He explained.

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