💚Saul/Slash #4- Studio Baby

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Slash had been working extra for the past week. He'd been trying to get all of his parts recorded so we could have a free day.
That was supposed to be today.
Keyword: supposed.

Axl had called him this morning and asked him to come in. This irritated the fuck out of both of us because we were gonna have a family day.
Me, London, and Slash.
You know, go to the carnival that was in town, ride the Ferris wheel, get ice cream, go on rides with London, everything. 
But my husband had to go to work. He was beyond irritated.

"I don't understand why they can't go one fucking day without me."
He said as we drove to the studio.

"It's fine Slash. The boys haven't seen London in forever, and I missed the studio. Like when we were first starting out."
I smiled, interlacing my hand with his which was resting on the drive shaft.

"I know; I miss it too. I just wanted a day for just us."
He said running a hand through his curls.

"We'll get one babe. London will have fun basking in the attention, and the boys will be busy showering him. Fuck, maybe we'll go by the vending machines where we always used to sneak around."

"Yea. Maybe Duff will walk out and say something stupid like he did when he first caught us."

"Yea. What'd he say, babe?"

"'Damn Slasher, you said a drink of water not tongue-fucking Steven's sister."
He smiled, trying, and failing, to impersonate Duff.

"I still remember how my brother reacted. He was smiling and trying to be intimidating all at once."

Me and Slash laughed at the memory before we headed into the studio. 
I had London's bag and Slash was carrying his baby.

"Long time no see fuckers."
I say opening the doors to the studio.

"Hey, it's June!"
Duff said as he embraced me into a hug.

"And she brought my nephew. Gimme him Slash."
Steven said after engulfing me in a bone-crushing hug.

"Nice to see you too Steven."
Slash rolled his eyes playfully before handing London to Steven.

"Hey, buddy. You're getting big. How old are you now?"
Steven smiled at the child in his arms.

London held up two fingers before bursting into a fit of giggles.

"I wanna hold him to Popcorn. Don't hog him."
Duff said trying to pry the boy from his uncle's arms.

"Fine. I'm gonna go find Axl. Maybe seeing my nephew will put him in a good mood."
Steven smiled before leaving to find the ginger singer.

The four of us, London included, sat on the couch that faced the recording booth. London crawled and plopped himself in Duff's lap. He pulled on a strand of black-blonde hair and giggled at Duff's face.

"He has a thing for pulling on hair. Does is to Slash all the time."
I tell him, smiling at the interaction between the two.

"He must get it from his daddy."
Axl joked as he entered the room.

"Shh. London doesn't need to know that."
Slash replied as we stood to greet the singer.

We laughed at the dirty humor before I walked to the vending machines around the corner to grab some snacks for everyone.
As I pressed the numbers, I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist.

"Yes, Slash?"
I smiled as he began to kiss my neck and shoulders.

"Missed you baby."
He replied into my neck.

"You wann'a kiss?"
I asked knowing that's exactly why he was out here.


He smiled before turning me to face him and brushing a stray lock of hair out of my face. 
His lips collided with mine, and I brushed my hands through his hair, his resting on my hips, occasionally rubbing my sides.

"Dammit June, you said you would get us snacks, not tongue-fuck our guitarist."
Duff spoke, laughing as he handed London to me.

"What can I say, Duff, I never turn down a kiss."
I smiled before turning my attention to London who was beginning to get fussy.

"I'm gonna make his bottle Slash, the snacks should all have fallen."

I bounced and shushed my baby as we made our way back into the studio where I quickly made his bottle and began to feed him.
The boys took a snack break, all of us reminiscing and laughing about old memories. 

I handed London to Slash once he was done with his bottle and be began to gently rock the baby to sleep.

"Awe, look, Slash is being a daddy."
Axl teased.

"Piss off Ax."
Slash replied, still gently rocking London.

"Hey guys, where's Izzy?"
I asked, realizing I hadn't seen the rhythm guitarist.

Axl replied lamely.

"Izzy? That guy's never sick."

"Yeah. He looks like death too."
Axl said before biting into another Oreo.

"Awe. We'll have to go check on him later."
I told Slash, who just nodded his head as he peered at his son.

"He seemed like he loved it here. This is the only time I've seen him not smile."
Duff pointed out.

"Who, my baby or me?"
Saul joked.

"London dipshit."
Duff replied.

"Well, he's a studio baby. He loves when we visit. Has since he was born."
I smiled.

"I remember the first time we met him. We had just finished Rocket Queen and all of a sudden Slash burst through the doors with a baby."
Steven said, smiling fondly at the memory.

"Oh yeah. I remember. The poor guy looked terrified out of his wits."
Duff added.

"You assholes blame me? It was the first day I had been alone with him without June, and I had no idea what I was doing."
Slash replied.

"I remember we just let him play with the buttons on the booth since we ran out of tape. The little guy looked so happy."
Axl said, adding his pitch to the story.

"My baby's always been at peace in the studio."
Slash said proudly.

"Like I said, he's a studio baby."

So, I seen the picture up top on Pinterest and was inspired. So, if it seems rushed it's because I literally pulled it together in ten minutes. I tried to write it using his stage name instead of Saul, or switching, so there's that too. Also, I know the time frames don't match up at all, but for the story they do. Thanks!

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